Membership partners
Become a membership partner
Membership partners play a critical role in helping people with print disabilities access Bookshare® around the world. With a Bookshare membership, your clients can get accessible ebooks and tools they need to pursue education, careers, and more equal participation in society as a whole.
Working with Bookshare benefits our partners as well. Your clients can access Bookshare’s massive collection at no cost to you, complementing the services you offer and allowing you to focus resources where they’re needed most.
Bookshare works closely with local organizations around the world, including libraries for the blind, government organizations, NGOs, schools, and others to serve people with print disabilities.
How to partner with us
- Outreach. Partners promote Bookshare as a resource to your clients. People are more connected to organizations in their own communities.
- Qualification verification. Partners help their clients get the necessary proof of disability.
- Payment assistance. Partners may pay for part or all of the client subscription fees. Alternatively, they can access fees from clients on behalf of Bookshare and remit a portion to Bookshare.
Contact us about membership partnerships.