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An Outline of Romanticism in the West

by John Claiborne Isbell

Navigating the landscape of Romantic literature and art across Europe and the Americas, An Outline of Romanticism in the West invites readers to embark upon a literary journey.

Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose

by Stephen Lewis;Matthew Wesley Williams;Dori Grinenko Baker

Another Way describes a new way of leadership for the 21st Century, one that inspires people to delve deeply into their own selves and that creates a mysterious relatedness among strangers. When this leadership happens, we remember people are created to experience community, to find joy in one another, and to create a better world out of a deep reservoir where the soul resides. Written by the leaders of the Forum for Theological Exploration, the internationally recognized leadership incubator for emerging Christian leaders, Another Way will shape the way you look at yourself, your leadership, and the communities that hold you accountable to making the world a better place.

Landscapes of Investigation: Contributions to Critical Mathematics Education

by Miriam Godoy Penteado and Ole Skovsmose

Creating landscapes of investigation is a primary concern of critical mathematics education. It enables us to organise educational processes so that students and teachers are able to get involved in explorations guided by dialogical interactions. It attempts to address explicit or implicit forms of social injustice by means of mathematics, and also to promote a critical conception of mathematics, challenging the assumption that the subject represents objectivity and neutrality. Landscapes of Investigation provides many illustrations of how this can be done in primary, secondary, and university education. It also illustrates how exploring landscapes of investigation can contribute to mathematics teacher education programmes.

Politimesterens Spøgelse

by Mia Massimo Claudio Ruggeri

Vincent Germano er en lidt gammeldags og intuitiv politimester, som leder en politistation i Castelli Romani, en provinsby syd for Rom. Han er født og opvokset i San Francisco, men da han som enogtyve-årig rejser til Italien, tager hans liv en helt anden retning. Det er netop i Castelli Romani, der er skueplads for to situationer, som for alvor sætter Germanos og hans kollegaers dømmekraft på en hård prøve. En "offside" fodbolddommer og sagen om en forsvunden kvinde trækker tråde tilbage til fortidens spøgelser. Germano får brug for al sin medfødte intuition til at løse sagerne. Forude venter politimesteren en spændende jagt og mange søvnløse nætter

Stjerneskud siger ikke farvel

by Dennis Vinther Nielsen J. A. Marcos

Emily er en ung pige på 23, er historielærer, der bor sammen med sine forældre og sin lillebror, Jason. Alt ville være perfekt i hendes liv, hvis det ikke var for en lille detalje: hun er blind. Alligevel blev hun en selvstændig pige, der selvom vanskelighederne har formået at overvinde det faktum, at ikke kunne se og fører et normalt liv. Men Emily har stadig problemer med kærligheds livet på grund af fordomme mod at blive involveret med mænd, der har en anden livsstil. Men skæbnen ville at hun møder Mathew, hendes yngre nabo: ung, smuk, med tørst for livet. 21, Matt elsker at køre på sin motorcykel, har en tatovering, der fylder hele hans arm og han bliver charmeret af Ems sjældne skønhed. Hun er alt, hvad han nogensinde har ønsket sig, han er det modsatte af alt, hvad hun nogensinde havde forestillet at ønske sig.

Wind Energy for the Rest of Us

by Paul Gipe

Wind Energy for the Rest of Us straddles two—or more—worlds. The book is about wind energy. It’s not just about small wind turbines. It’s not just about large wind turbines. It’s about the depth and breadth of wind energy, encompassing more than either type of wind turbine. It includes water-pumping windmills and sailing ships. It’s a sprawling book, one minute discussing how to install small wind turbines safely, the next explaining how farmers in Indiana can earn millions by installing their own multimegawatt wind turbines. If it’s a book hard to categorize, that suits its author, Paul Gipe, who likes to think he’s hard to categorize after four decades at the frontiers of renewable energy. His book tells the story of modern wind energy in all its complexity and introduces a North American audience to the trailblazing electricity rebels who have launched a renewable energy revolution in Europe. The book debunks novel wind turbines their promoters claim will generate electricity “too cheap to meter,” and rebukes revisionist historians who falsely argue that it was the aerospace industry that delivered today’s modern wind turbines. Gipe explains why new wind turbines are part of a silent revolution that is changing the way we use wind energy. This revolution doesn’t garner headlines, but is making wind turbines more cost-effective in more places than ever before, lessening the need for new transmission lines, obviating the need for storage, and fueling rapid growth. Gipe refutes many common myths surrounding wind energy and argues persuasively that wind turbines are productive, effective, and environmentally sound. Gipe argues that wind energy is too important to be left to electric utilities and their subsidiaries alone. Wind energy is also for the rest of us, he says. It is our resource. We can develop it and we can own it--ourselves.

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