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by Gabriel Agbo

上帝的圣约应许不会反悔。本书旨在助你实现上帝对你生命的所有应许。经过钜细无遗的研究,加之见证,可以得知上帝有能力也愿意成就对我们作出的许诺。祂说,祂会监守并成就祂所许下的话语。 本书中我们将以批判的眼光构释上帝的应许:上帝缘何许下承诺、上帝会如何持守应许,以及应许如何成就丰硕生命。每个圣约背后都有其缘起、时机和条件,这些我们都要清楚明白,以活出上帝于我们生命当中的美好意愿。毫无疑问,在上帝里一切都有可能! 往下细阅。祝福您!

Το Χρυσό Βιβλίο της Σοφίας

by Seila Orienta; P. Windsheimer - Translator

Η Seila Orienta έγραψε αυτή την περιγραφή της 4ης κάρτας Tarot σύμφωνα με το σύστημα του Franz Bardon. Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της αποκρυφιστικής λογοτεχνίας, περιγράφεται και αποκαλύπτεται αυτή η 4η κάρτα Ταρώ του μεγάλου Ερμή Τρισμεγίστου. Περιλαμβάνονται άγνωστες ασκήσεις συγκέντρωσης και διαλογισμού. Επιπλέον, γίνεται αναφορά στη διαφορά της μαγείας και του μυστικισμού, καθώς και στους κινδύνους μιας μονόπλευρης διαδρομής. Τελικά, με την ολοκλήρωση της 4ης κάρτας Ταρώ, θα υπάρξει μια τεχνική ενοποίησης με τον παγκόσμιο Θεό, ο οποίος είναι ο δάσκαλος της ηλιακής σφαίρας. Στη Καμπάλα ο δάσκαλος αυτός ονομάζεται «Μετάτρον».

Туризм и путешествия в древнем Египте: Travel Like An Egyptian

by Mohammed Yehia Z. Ahmed

Эта книга исследует путешествия в древнем Египте. В ней анализируются средства передвижения, дороги, еда, питье и проживания для поездок. Она также сравнивает путешествия в древнеегипетские времена и сегодня и обсуждает, были ли древние Египтяне туристами или нет.

Ο Διασώστης και ο Ισπανικός Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος: Ξεχασμένες Ιστορίες από την Ισπανία

by Paul Read

Προσπαθήστε να φανταστείτε ότι η πόλη της Μάλαγας πρέπει να εκκενωθεί εν μία νυκτί. 150.000 άνθρωποι καλούνται να περπατήσουν 200 χιλιόμετρα κατά μήκος του παραλιακού δρόμου Ν-340 σε αναζήτηση ασφαλούς καταφυγίου, ενώ καταδιώκονται από ιταλικά τεθωρακισμένα άρματα μάχης, βομβαρδίζονται από γερμανικά αεροσκάφη και δέχονται οβίδες από τα πλοία των Στασιαστών Εθνικιστών. Άοπλοι άνδρες, γυναίκες και παιδιά θα δεχθούν πυροβολισμούς από αεροπλάνα ή θα πέσουν νεκροί από ριπές των πλοίων που τους καταδιώκουν κατά μήκος της ακτής, τα σώματά τους θα αφεθούν στην άκρη του δρόμου, εγκαταλελειμμένα στο χάος και την κτηνωδία των εμπόλεμων ενηλίκων.

. . . And Then You Die of Dysentery: Lessons in Adulting from The Oregon Trail

by Lauren Reeves

A funny, nostalgic tribute to the Oregon Trail computer game—invented nearly fifty years ago, and beloved by generations of students. Pack your wagons, find your ride-or-(literally) die friends, and roll up to Matt&’s General Store with a sack of cash—it&’s time to hit the Oregon Trail, twenty-first-century style! …And Then You Die of Dysentery is a journey through the sometimes frustrating, always entertaining, and universally beloved Oregon Trail computer game. Featuring a four-color design in the game&’s iconic 8-bit format, alongside pop culture references galore, the book offers 50 humorous, snarky lessons gleaned from the game&’s most iconic moments, including gems such as: —Suffering from exhaustion is a real thing. (It&’s not just PR code for why a celebrity went to rehab.) —If you hunt too frequently in one area, game will become scarce. (The first signs of gentrification!) —Invite your sweetie to cuddle with you while looking up at the stars. (The night sky was the original Netflix & Chill. Step 1: Loosen up Orion&’s belt...) With its comic commentary and absurdist nostalgia, ...And Then You Die of Dysentery is the ultimate trip down memory lane, and all the way to the Willamette Valley.

思辩 纵横 Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate

by ShuPei Wang Yina Ma Patterson Lin Guo

Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate provides lesson plans for holding high-level debates in the classroom. The lesson plans in this textbook were created based on the standards of the Oral Proficiency Interview held by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. These lesson plans train students in advanced language tasks such as giving thorough descriptions and narrations, comparing abstract concepts, and establishing hypotheses. The lesson plans in this textbook will train students in dialectical thinking and give them opportunities to improve their ability to summarize, make inductions, and contrast hypotheses. The debate topics of each lesson plan emphasize areas that are familiar to the lives and interests of Western students while still allowing them to engage with differences between Chinese and Western culture. The lesson plans address a wide range of topics, such as employment, financial management, psychoactive drugs, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, every lesson plan includes material to help students practice listening and contains lesson-specific vocabulary, discussion questions, debate prompts, debate tactics, and grammar practices. Accompanying e-resources are available at This book is suitable for students who have acquired high levels of proficiency in Chinese or who have taken at least three years of college level study of Chinese as their second language. Teachers will also be able to use the structure of the lesson plans in this textbook to assist them as they design assessments for their students.

β-Casomorphins: A1 Milk, Milk Peptides and Human Health

by Mohammad Raies Ul Haq

This book compiles the latest research on the A1 and A2 forms of cow milk, and attempts to show a correlation between the type of cow milk consumption and reported incidence of certain diseases (type 1 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, sudden infant death syndrome and neurological disorders). Cow milk generally contains two types of β-casein, A1 or A2. The book describes the A1/A2 hypothesis, its foundation and the genetics behind it. It discusses the two forms of milk and why one is considered more harmful than the other. Seeking to provide a balanced view of the milk types, the book’s initial chapters highlight the structure, function and physiological activity of β-casomorphins. Subsequent sections describe the health concerns associated with A1 milk, and the various case studies and research surrounding it. In turn, the arguments against the hypothesis put forward by EFSA, American Nutritionists and Truswell are also highlighted. The book does not make any recommendations for dairy consumers; rather, it is a collection of essential data both in favour and against the hypothesis. Further mechanistic studies involving well-designed animal and human trials at the cellular, molecular, biochemical and immunological levels will be needed in order to draw sound conclusions. Overall, the hypothesis is fascinating, and possibly significant. However, verified and authenticated research with reproducible results is needed to make final consumer recommendations. This timely book offers a valuable resource for researchers and students of dairy science, as well as industry experts.

♠ The Complete ♥ Guide ♣ To Winning ♦ Poker

by Albert H. Morehead

This is the biggest, most complete and most authoritative book ever written on poker-everything there is to know about the Great American Game from the rules of each variation to the most expert instruction on playing the odds.

А House on Presnya

by Elena Chernikova Nina Šoltić

Five autobiographical stories and a novel-allusion about love and posthumous life; written by a woman, in Russia, about the domestic male material.

β-Lactams: Unique Structures of Distinction for Novel Molecules

by Bimal K. Banik

I. Ojima * E. S. Zuniga * J. D. Seitz: Advances in the Use of Enantiopure β-Lactams for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds of Medicinal Interests.- I. Fernández * Miguel A. Sierra: β -Lactams from Fischer Carbene Complexes: Scope, Limitations, and Reaction Mechanism.- Bablee Mandal * Basudeb Basu: Synthesis of β-Lactams Through Alkyne-Nitrone Cycloadditions.- T. T. Tidwell: Preparation of Bis-β-Lactams by Ketene-Imine Cycloadditions.- Edward Turos: The Chemistry and Biology of N-Thiolated β-Lactams.- Indrani Banik * Bimal K. Banik: Synthesis of β-Lactams and Their Chemical Manipulations Via Microwave-Induced Reactions.

传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us

by Yan Liu Jingjing Ji Grace Wu Min-Min Liang

Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners aims to serve as a stepping-stone for Chinese heritage language learners’ future Chinese learning, inspiring them to reflect on their identities, learn Chinese American history, and embrace their cultural heritage. The book starts with talking about individuals and families and then expands to the Chinese and Asian American communities in the U.S. and eventually to the entire American society, all from the unique perspective of Chinese American students. Taking a macro approach that builds learners’ literacy skills on their initial abilities in speaking and listening, each lesson starts with listening and speaking activities and then moves to reading and writing. The content complexity and language difficulty are balanced to present rich content that matches students’ critical thinking abilities in a language appropriate for their literacy level. Lively and humorous language makes the book a joy to read. Each lesson has a conversation and an essay to expose students to informal and formal registers. Moreover, authentic tasks are designed to facilitate students’ language output, following the three modes of communication promoted by the American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This theme-based Chinese textbook is written for high school and college-level Chinese heritage language learners.

社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume II

by Yi Ning Jing Fang Wei Shao Zhengrong Yang Esther Tyldesley

Social Perspective is a course set over one academic year for intermediate learners of Chinese. In two volumes, it focuses on developing learners’ language competency to a high advanced plus/advanced level (ACTFL/CEFR B2-C1) through exploring social issues in contemporary China. The textbook draws upon the discussion of a wide range of current social issues in China to provide students with a real-life background to increase their debating and written skills. Volume II explores six topics: demographic issues, ‘love’ and ‘sex’, technology, medical care, the economy and education. The textbook is written in fluent, accurate and high-quality Chinese language which is conveniently broken down to highlight all the important language elements (expressions, vocabulary, phrases and grammar). This course will equip students with language production capability at an advanced level and prepare students for the transition from academic study to employment. Each lesson includes a wide range of language drills and exercises designed to quickly improve learners’ oral expression and conceptual understanding through group discussions, essays, presentations, bidirectional translation and critical reflection. Online resources such as lesson text audio, videos, independent learning resources and supplementary reading material are also included at [URL]. Written by a team of highly experienced teachers, Social Perspective is the ideal course to progress intermediate students to an advanced level. Academics and researchers with an interest in Chinese contemporary social issues will also find this a useful tool for further language study.

社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume I

by Yi Ning Wei Shao Zhengrong Yang Esther Tyldesley

社会视角 Social Perspective is a course set over one academic year for intermediate learners of Chinese. In two volumes, it focuses on developing learners’ language competency to a high advanced plus/advanced level (ACTFL/CEFR B2-C1) through exploring social issues in contemporary China. The textbook draws upon the discussion of a wide range of current social issues in China to provide students with a real-life background to increase their debating and written skills. Volume I explores five topics: gender equality, e-commerce, Internet culture, food and health, and environmental protection. The textbook is written in fluent, accurate and high-quality Chinese language which is conveniently broken down to highlight all the important language elements (expressions, vocabulary, phrases and grammar). This course will equip students with language production capability at an advanced level and prepare students for the transition from academic study to employment. Each lesson includes a wide range of language drills and exercises designed to quickly improve learners’ oral expression and conceptual understanding through group discussions, essays, presentations, bidirectional translation and critical reflection. Online resources such as audio recordings, dictation exercises and supplementary reading material are also included. Written by a team of highly experienced teachers, 社会视角 Social Perspective is the ideal course to progress intermediate students to an advanced level. Academics and researchers with an interest in Chinese contemporary social issues will also find this a useful tool for further language study.

π-Stacked Polymers and Molecules

by Tamaki Nakano

This book covers broad aspects of the chemistry of π-stacked polymers and low-molecular-weight molecules, from synthesis through theory It is intended for graduate students and researchers in academia and industry and consists of chapters written by renowned scientists who have made significant contributions to this field in the past decade π-Stacked polymers and low-molecular-weight molecules are expected to replace main-chain conjugated polymers such as polyacetylenes and polythiophenes as organic conducting and energy-transferring substances that are important as materials for photo-electronic applications π-Stacked polymers and molecules have significant advantages over main-chain conjugated polymers, i. e. , high solubility in solvents, large freedom in molecular design, and colorless nature.

* - 0 - #

by William Earle

Roland Howard finally shares a secret he's kept for four months with his best friend, Seth Martin - the discovery of time travel! Now, the two must work together and work fast to share the secret with someone who could develop it successfully for them and for the world. But, are they the only two in the world to know about it?

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

The 0.5 Generation: Children Moving from the United States to Mexico

by Dr. Víctor Zúñiga Dr. Silvia E. Giorguli

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, a generation of children crossed the border from the United States to begin their lives anew in Mexico. While all were international migrants, their roots spread far and wide. Some were migrant returnees born in Mexico; others had only ever known a life in the United States. Distinguishing returnees from new arrivals seems simple, but defining these youths' affiliations in their new homes in Mexico is much more complex and yields new insights that enrich our contemporary understanding of inclusion and belonging. This book is the product of twenty-five years' worth of fruitful interdisciplinary dialogue and research on these children's trajectories, tracing their journeys and studying integration—or lack thereof—into Mexican society and institutions.

0 To Bitch In 10 Seconds Or Less: Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women

by Amy Hatch

Wonderfully witty wisdom such as: Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. J.K. Rowling A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know. Mistinguette Life is hard. After all, it kills you. Katharine Hepburn Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford when I wake up in the morning. Cindy Crawford The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows how the average man can see much better than he can think. Anonymous And many more!

$0 to Rich

by Tracey Edwards

What does 'rich' mean to you? Perhaps a huge mansion and an overseas holiday every year? A wardrobe and entourage to rival Victoria Beckham's? Or maybe a simple, comfortable house, no debt and a healthy investment portfolio?However you define it, $0 to Rich will guide you towards achieving your financial goals in five easy steps and show you how to turn $0 into $1000, then $5000, then $10 000!Written specifically for women by the best-selling author of Shopping For Shares, $0 to Rich is the personal financial coach every girl should have. It will show you how to work out what rich means to you, how to articulate exactly what you want, then how to go about realising that vision over a set period of time.You'll discover:how to create a no-fuss budget to fast-track your financial successwhat the right amount to be saving isinvestment options, from savings accounts to property and everything in betweenhow to safeguard your money (after all, it's not enough to just get rich--the trick is staying there!).

01-01-00: The Novel of the Millennium

by R. J. Pineiro

As 01-01-00 approaches, Susan Garnett, a senior analyst at the FBI's high-tech crime unit, and Cameron Slater, an anthropologist, must draw on their combined knowledge of ancient glyphs and modern algorithms in order to crack a code hidden in a formidable computer virus. Susan traces the virus's signal to its point of origin, an area near Tikal, the site of one of the largest cities of the ancient Maya. Susan and Cameron travel to the remote jungle, convinced that if they fail to solve the riddles, both ancient and new, before the turn of the new millennium, the virus could trigger a powerful event of global proportions.

01 On the Beach (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Joanna Solins

Ask yourself what ocean waves might push up onto a beach. Then read to find some answers.

01 The Perfect Instrument (Leveled Readers 2.6.3)

by Bill Tang

In this story, Sebastian has to try several instruments before he finds the one that is perfect for him.


by Mainak Dhar

At 03:02 on a Sunday morning, the world as we knew it came to an end. Mumbai suddenly went black — no electricity, no phones, no internet and no working cars. It was as if someone had turned off the master switch of our civilization, turning us back hundreds of years overnight. We learned that it was not just Mumbai, but much of the world that had been impacted. We also learned that it was no accident. A deadly enemy was behind it. An enemy that was now in our midst, seeking to conquer us and destroy our way of life. This is how our war for freedom began. A war that was to be waged not on the borders or by the Army, but in our homes and streets, with us as the soldiers.

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