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マッド・フォー・マドンナ ポップ女王

by Francesco Falconi Vadim Grushevskiy ヴァジム・グルシェフスキー

#Rebel2016 版 - 第三更新 - 2016年4月 「マッド・フォー・マドンナ」はライブePubとなる!*** ワールドツアー、ヒット・シングル、映画と本に満ちた30年のキャリアにわたり、マドンナはいつも目立っていた。はやくも1982年を始め、彼女の挑発的なルックスを真似し、彼女の歌を歌い、彼女を徐々にフェミニズム、性的自由と表現の象徴にしていった数万人の若い女性の注目を引いてきた。各期待に反して、マドンナは、我が社会と完璧な調和に生きていて、大衆文化のトレンドを生み出して、何十年も活躍してきた。1980年代のミュージシャンが次々と消え去っていったうちに、「Like A Virgin」のスターは年代を超え、いつもチャートの1位を獲得していた。多面の芸能人で、自分自身を歌手、女優、ダンサー、監督、上手な実業家、ポップスの女王蜂、挑発者とも、同時に母親と優れた慈善家(「レイジング・マラウイ」基金の創立者)ともして何度も再発明してきた。「マッド・フォー・マドンナ」は、彼女を、レコードを二億枚以上売れた無敵のポップ女王にした、相次ぐ明と暗に満ちたキャリアをデビューから現代まで語っている。この魅力的な完全伝記は、イタリアとヨーロッパのファンたちのために素敵な参考となるにちがいない。

Η εγγονή: Isländernes Lovbog I Fristatens Tid. Text I, Volume 1... (Quick, quick, slow – Η λέσχη χορού Lietzensee #1)

by Annemarie Nikolaus Χριστίνα Ντρέκου

Η Μαντελίν Λαγκράνζε, η εγγονή του προέδρου της «Λέσχης χορού Lietzensee» θεωρεί τον κοινωνικό χορό ως μια απλή πολιτισμική τεχνική, την οποία μαθαίνει χωρίς μεγάλη φιλοδοξία. Και τότε συναντά τους χορευτές Square Dance της λέσχης. Και η καρδιά της μαγεύεται όχι μόνο από τον χορό, αλλά και από τον Caller της ομάδας, τον αμερικάνο Κρις Ράινχαρτ. <P><P> Ο Κρις συναρπάζεται από την πρώτη στιγμή με την Μαντελίν. Εκείνος όμως είναι ο προπονητής της ομάδας κι εκείνη είναι ανήλικη. Γι΄αυτό αγωνίζεται ενάντια στην ολοένα αυξανόμενη στοργή που αισθάνεται για κείνη και απαρνιέται τα συναισθήματά του απέναντί της. <P><P> Ενώ η Μαντελίν με την αδιαλλαξία των δεκαεπτά της χρόνων προσπαθεί να αποπλανήσει τον Κρις, ο παππούς της κάνει ότι περνά από το χέρι του για να τον εξορίσει διά παντός από το σωματείο κι έτσι να απομακρύνει τον έναν από τον άλλο.

Γκέιμινγκ και βιντεοπαιχνίδια: Μια διαδραστική απόδραση από τη βαρεμάρα... (Πώς να... #95)

by Όουεν Τζόουνς

Γιατί το γκέιμινγκ αρέσει στους ανθρώπους; Εκατομμύρια επαγγελματίες και ανήσυχοι γονείς αναρωτιούνται το ίδιο εδώ και τουλάχιστον πενήντα χρόνια. Έχουν γραφτεί πολλά για το γιατί το γκέιμινγκ κατέκτησε τη νεολαία της δεκαετίας του '70 και γιατί, τώρα, άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών αγαπούν να παίζουν. Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο σχετικά με τα διάφορα είδη βιντεοπαιχνιδιών, τα παιχνίδια σε υπολογιστή, τα αρκέιντ κ.ά. είναι οργανωμένες σε 16 κεφάλαια των 500-600 λέξεων περίπου το καθένα. Ως μπόνους, σου δίνω την άδεια να χρησιμοποιήσεις το περιεχόμενο στον δικό σου ιστότοπο ή στα δικά σου ιστολόγια και ενημερωτικά δελτία, αν και είναι καλύτερα να το ξαναγράψεις με δικά σου λόγια.

Πώς να βγάλετε χρήματα εμφανιζόμενος σε τηλεοπτικές διαφημίσεις και σειρές (Levine's Guide To Knives And Their Values Ser.)

by Bernard Levine Δήμητρα Στασινού

Είχατε ποτέ την επιθυμία να εργαστείτε σε τηλεοπτικές διαφημίσεις; ... όπως οι διαφημίσεις κινητών των εταιρειών Nokia ή Samsung καθώς και σε διαφημίσεις των McDonald's ή Coca Cola; Θα θέλατε να συμμετέχετε σε τηλεποτική σαπουνόπερα ή σειρά; Δε χρειάζεται εμπειρία. Τώρα είναι η ευκαιρία σας να κάνετε το όνειρό σας πραγματικότητα. Έχει πολλή πλάκα και τα χρήματα που θα βγάλετε θα αξίζουν τον κόπο!

0 To Bitch In 10 Seconds Or Less: Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women

by Amy Hatch

Wonderfully witty wisdom such as: Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. J.K. Rowling A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know. Mistinguette Life is hard. After all, it kills you. Katharine Hepburn Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford when I wake up in the morning. Cindy Crawford The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows how the average man can see much better than he can think. Anonymous And many more!

1, 2, 3, Exercise with Me! Fun Exercises with Elmo (Sesame Street)

by Andrea Posner-Sanchez

In this adorable book, Elmo shares lots of fun exercises that young children—and his Sesame Street friends—can do both indoors and outside. The oversized board book, full of bright photos of the characters and colorful illustrations, is great for caregivers and children to read together.Elmo knows how important exercising is for keeping bodies fit and healthy. And he knows it can be fun! Young children will love doing the exercises Elmo does with his Sesame Street friends, including Grover, Rosita, Abby, Bert and Ernie, and Big Bird.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.

10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES

by Matthew Del Negro

Learn how to persevere and pivot to achieve your goals from a celebrated Hollywood actor 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES  chronicles actor Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Teaching readers how to make it through the tough times and deal with massive uncertainty by retaining the flexibility to change course and pivot to follow your passion, Del Negro explains how to achieve success in even the most competitive industries. The book, which delves into his personal story from Division I athlete to his professional dream of becoming an actor without any show business connections, shares the wisdom and knowledge Del Negro has gained from both his failures and successes in one of America’s most competitive industries: professional acting.  Amidst his own stories from life and acting, Del Negro weaves anecdotes and quotes from interviews he has had with a wide range of inspirational people from all walks of life on his popular podcast, 10,000 NOs. The list of high-achievers includes professional athletes, bestselling authors, Forbes list entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, Hollywood elite, and more. His celebrated and top-ranked podcast in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, continues to inspire others to keep going even when their progress seems infinitesimally slow.

The 10 Cent Chocolate Tub

by Mike Mcgann

10 Cent Chocolate Tub will take you back to the 1950's and 1960s when life was uncomplicated. There were three channels to watch on a black and white television set showing Sid Caesar, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Howdy Doody, Milton Berle, fifteen minutes of Nat King Cole, The Lone Ranger and The Toast of The Town. Radio stations were AM only and played Elvis Presley, Doo-Wop music, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Patti Page, Chubby Checker and The Four Seasons, long before The Beatles came to America. The small things in life were exciting to a city boy who grew up to be a broadcaster, a Vietnam veteran, a minor performer and a dad! Everyone has family stories, crazy relatives, funny incidents, memories of how good things were back then and dreams of how they should be. The 10 Cent Chocolate Tub gets it's name from a huge chocolate ice cream cone sold by Bard's Dairy in the 1950s in Pittsburgh at a time when a young boy, who wore rummage sale clothes and ate surplus cheese, was only allowed a nickel vanilla ice cream now and then. This is about the quest for life's finer things like ice cream anytime you want it, playing the radio loudly, crying at a sad movie, falling in love, heartbreaks, kissing your children goodnight and loving every minute of it.

10 Days on Earth

by Ronnie Burkett

He lived alone with very little and more than enough, and preferred it that way. "Simply simply," he was oft heard to say. He was alone, on his own, and that was okay... Darrel is a middle-aged intellectually challenged man who lives with his mother. When she dies in her sleep, Darrel does not realize she is gone, and so, for over a week, he lives alone. Tandem to Darrel's day-to-day routine are the adventures of his favourite children's book characters, Honeydog and Little Burp. Their search for a home leads the dog and duck duo to an understanding of family, while Darrel's ease in the world illustrates just how his mother has paved the path for him to be without her. Episodes from the past, like faded colour snapshots from a family album, illustrate this mother's love for her son in all its honesty and fierce, unwavering will. Simple, tender, funny and unapologetic, 10 Days On Earth asks: If you were alone but didn't know it, would you feel lonely?

The 100 Best Celebrity Photos: And The Surprising Stories Behind Them

by The Editors of PEOPLE

Since its first issue debuted with a Great Gatsby portrait of Mia Farrow, People magazine has delivered not only outstanding celebrity journalism, but also the best in personality photography. Now, the Editors of People present The 100 Best Celebrity Photos.From a Marilyn Monroe pin-up to an internet-breaking Kim Kardashian Instagram, from Harry Benson's exuberant snaps of The Beatles' first visit to America to Bradley Cooper's star-packed Oscar selfie, these are the images that influenced how we understand fame and glamor.Included with each picture is the story behind it: A-list photographers tell how they created the images that turned stars into icons, or made legends seem as relatable as family. Here also are People exclusives from the magazine's history of unparalleled access into celebrity homes and off-duty lives that show us the real side of the stars who most captivate and intrigue us.

100 Great Operas and Their Stories: Act-by-Act Synopses

by Henry W. Simon

An invaluable guide for both casual opera fans and afficionados, this volume contains act-by-act descriptions of operatic works ranging from the early seventeenth century masterworks of Monteverdi and Purcell to the modern classics of Menotti and Britten. Written in a lively anecdotal style, entries include character descriptions, historical background, and much more.

100 (monologues)

by Eric Bogosian

This new collection by one of America's premier performers and most innovative and provocative artists includes 100 monologues from his acclaimed plays and solo shows including: Drinking in America; Men Inside; Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead; Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll and more. Also included are additional pieces from Talk Radio and Notes from Underground.

100 Must-See Movies for Grownups

by Bill Newcott

“Oh! What a wonderful list. Bill Newcott's top 100 makes you want to curl up with a stack of DVD’s and revisit Hollywood’s best.” — Arch Campbell, Broadcast Film Critics Association“...a treasure trove of sterling and often delightfully offbeat recommendations for discerning moviegoers, from the beginnings of film right up the present.” — Peter Rainer, author of Rainer on Film: Thirty Years of Film Writing in a Turbulent and Transformative EraFinally, an end to the old complaint, “There’s nothing to watch!” Since 2002, AARP’s Movies for Grownups has been celebrating movies with special appeal for the 50+ audience through reviews, film festivals, private screenings, and a weekly TV series. Now, in the first-ever Movies for Grownups book, MFG creator Bill Newcott selects the 100 essential films for those who love great cinema.The collection includes a variety of classics, from Gone with the Wind and Casablanca to new favorites like Capote and The King’s Speech. You’ll also find every film that has won the coveted trophy for the year’s Best Movie for Grownups, chosen by the editors of AARP the Magazine. Then there are the hidden gems—films you may never have heard of, but ones you’ll never forget once you see them, thanks to this comprehensive, concisely written collection.

The 100% Official Piggy Survival Manual: An AFK Book

by Scholastic

Fans will not want to miss the very first official guide to PIGGY! Full of tips, tricks, lore, and more, this guide has everything you need to survive!Make it out alive with the official Piggy Survival Manual! This handbook includes everything you need to survive in the terror-filled world of PIGGY! Uncover secrets, master every book and chapter, and learn all there is to know about the world and characters of PIGGY.

100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife

by Ken Jennings

From New York Times bestselling author and legendary Jeopardy! host and champion Ken Jennings comes a hilarious travel guide to the afterlife, exploring to die for destinations from literature, mythology, and pop culture.Ever wonder which circles of Dante&’s Inferno have the nicest accommodations? Where&’s the best place to grab a bite to eat in the ancient Egyptian underworld? How does one dress like a local in the heavenly palace of Hinduism&’s Lord Vishnu, or avoid the flesh-eating river serpents in the Klingon afterlife? What hidden treasures can be found off the beaten path in Hades, Valhalla, or TV&’s The Good Place? Find answers to all those questions and more about the world(s) to come in this eternally entertaining book from Ken Jennings. Written in the style of iconic bestselling travel guides, Jennings wryly outlines journeys through the afterlife, as dreamed up over 5,000 years of human history by our greatest prophets, poets, mystics, artists, and TV showrunners. This comprehensive index of 100 different afterlife destinations was meticulously researched from sources ranging from the Epic of Gilgamesh to modern-day pop songs, video games, and Simpsons episodes. Get ready for whatever post-mortal destiny awaits you, whether it&’s an astral plane, a Hieronymus Bosch hellscape, or the baseball diamond from Field of Dreams. Fascinating, funny, and irreverent, this &“gung-ho travel guide to Heaven, Hell, and beyond&” (The New Yorker) will help you create your very own bucket list—for after you&’ve kicked the bucket.

1000 Hours Outside: Activities to Match Screen Time with Green Time

by Ginny Yurich

Join the global movement and challenge your family to match screen time with outdoor time—with hundreds of fun, fresh-air ideas.Did you know that the average American child spends 1,200 hours a year in front of a screen? And that outside play can boost children in every area of development? This book has everything you need to reset the balance and swap screen time for outdoor fun! Challenge your family to spend 1,000 hours outside this year with this collection of games, crafts, and activities, organized by season to help you find something you can do every day. Play leaf pile games, take a hot chocolate hike, make corn husk dolls, go on an animal home hunt, and much more with hundreds of ideas for all ages, abilities, and family types.No matter how busy you are, this book gives you all the ideas, photos, activity instructions, and inspiration you need to get outdoors with your family all year round.

1000 Songs to Change Your Life

by Time Out Guides

Like 1,000 Films and 1,000 Books, 1,000 Songs to Change Your Life, the third book in the series, is a celebration of music's transformative power: how it shocks and soothes, frightens and comforts, amuses and appalls, but above all how it moves us, perhaps when we least expect it. Over the course of more than 30 essays and features, a hand-picked array of writers, critics and musicians will be exploring the songs that made a difference: to their lives, the lives of others and to music itself. Everyone's life has a soundtrack. What's yours?

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die: You Must See Before You Die 2011 (1001)

by Steven Jay Schneider

"I have, by the way, seen 943 of the 1001 movies, and am carefully rationing the remaining titles to prolong my life." - Roger Ebert"1001 ways to give cinema new scope." - The HeraldExpert critics in each genre of film, from romance to horror and sci-fi, have once again painstakingly revised this list of essential must see-movies, cut and added films to bring the must-watch list bang up to date for 2013, from great classics like The Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind to recent Oscar winners like Life of Pi, Amour, Argo and the blockbusters that is Skyfall. Each entry tells you exactly why these films deserve inclusion in this definitive illustrated list, engaging readers in each film's concept development and production, including curious trivia facts about the movies, as well as the most famous pieces of memorabilia associated with them.Illustrated with hundreds of stunning film stills, portraits and poster art 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Dieoffers an incredible visual insight into the world of modern cinema. It puts together the most significant movies from all genres, from animation to Western, through action, comedy, documentary, musical, noir, romance, thriller, short and sci-fi. Movies from over 30 different countries have been included, offering a truly wide multi-cultural perspective, and the time span includes more than a century of extraordinary cinematography. Packed with vital statistics, and a few facts that might surprise you, this is a collector's must for the bookshelf as well as an entertaining read for all those who love the world of film. Whether your passion lies with The Blue Angel or Blue Velvet, from the films you shouldn't have missed the first time around, to the films you can see again and again, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is the definitive guide for all movie lovers.Contents includes... Introduction19001910192019301940 195019601970 198019902000

1001 TV Series: You Must Watch Before You Die (1001)

by Paul Condon

This is the ultimate book for the Netflix and boxset generation, featuring all the greatest drama series ever broadcast as well as the weirdest game shows, controversial reality TV experiments and breathtaking nature documentaries.It is a must for anyone who wants to know why India's Ramayan is legendary, why Roots was groundbreaking, or what the ending of Lost was all about. Written by an international team of critics, authors, academics, producers and journalists, this book reviews TV series from more than 20 countries, highlights classic episodes to watch and also provides cast summaries and production details.

101 Extreme Survival Techniques for Fortniters: An Unofficial Guide to Fortnite Battle Royale (Master Combat)

by Jason Rich

Take control of your game and win at all cost with 101 Extreme Survival Techniques. This all-new, unofficial, illustrated guide series will turn you into a master Fortnite: Battle Royale gamer by uncovering all the best strategies and secrets of this wildly popular game. Whether you play Fortnite: Battle Royale on a PC, Mac, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or your mobile device, you&’ll find everything you need to stay at the top of your game. Each book is packed with useful insider tips on topics like, staying alive longer, exploring, collecting a powerful arsenal, building, and snagging more victories during each match. When it comes to achieving #1 Victory Royale, the Fortnite Battle Royale: Master Combat Series provides the ultimate competitive edge. Whether you&’re a determined newb or a pro gamer, this unofficial, illustrated, how-to guide will give you the knowledge boost you need to take your Fortnite skills to the next level. Thanks to this comprehensive collection of over 100 insider tips and secrets, you&’ll be better equipped to launch ambushes, outsmart your adversaries, defeat more enemies, collect better loot, and gather the most powerful arsenal possible. With detailed explanations and colorful action-packed screenshots, Master Combat: 101 Extreme Survival Techniques is designed to improve your fighting and survival skills during every Fortnite: Battle Royale match. Add these proven strategies to your arsenal of tricks and play like a #1 Victory Royale champion.

The 101 Habits Of Highly Successful Screenwriters

by Karl Iglesias

Insider Secrets from Hollywood's Top WritersThis book not only shows how to be a screenwriter, but what it's actually like to be one. An inspiration to all would-be screenwriters, this book is about living the screenwriter's life -- the habits, writing environments, creative processes, daily passions, and obsessions. In The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, author Karl Iglesias has interviewed 14 top contemporary Hollywood screenwriters who offer their experience, insight, and advice to aspiring screenwriters everywhere.

The 101 Habits Of Highly Successful Screenwriters: Insider's Secrets from Hollywood's Top Writers

by Karl Iglesias

Insider Secrets from Hollywood’s Top WritersThis book not only shows how to be a screenwriter, but what it's actually like to be one. An inspiration to all would-be screenwriters, this book is about living the screenwriter's life -- the habits, writing environments, creative processes, daily passions, and obsessions.In The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, author Karl Iglesias has interviewed 14 top contemporary Hollywood screenwriters who offer their experience, insight, and advice to aspiring screenwriters everywhere.

The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters

by Karl Iglesias

You can struggle for years to get a foot in the door with Hollywood producers--or you can take a page from the book that offers proven advice from twenty-one of the industry's best and brightest! In this tenth anniversary edition, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition peers into the lives and workspaces of screenwriting greats--including Terry Rossio (the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise), Aline Brosh McKenna (Morning Glory), Bill Marsilii (Deja Vu), Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Wanted), and Tony Gilroy (the Bourne franchise). You will learn best practices to fire up your writing process and your career, such as: Be Comfortable with Solitude Commit to a Career, Not Just One Screenplay Be Aware of Your Muse's Favorite Activities Write Terrible First Drafts Don't Work for Free Write No Matter What This indispensable handbook will help you hone your craft by living, breathing, and scripting the life you want!

The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 10th Anniversary Edition

by Karl Iglesias

You can struggle for years to get a foot in the door with Hollywood producers--or you can take a page from the book that offers proven advice from twenty-one of the industry's best and brightest! In this tenth anniversary edition, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition peers into the lives and workspaces of screenwriting greats--including Terry Rossio (the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise), Aline Brosh McKenna (Morning Glory), Bill Marsilii (Deja Vu), Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Wanted), and Tony Gilroy (the Bourne franchise). You will learn best practices to fire up your writing process and your career, such as: Be Comfortable with Solitude Commit to a Career, Not Just One Screenplay Be Aware of Your Muse's Favorite Activities Write Terrible First Drafts Don't Work for Free Write No Matter What This indispensable handbook will help you hone your craft by living, breathing, and scripting the life you want!

The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 10th Anniversary Edition: Insider Secrets from Hollywood's Top Writers

by Karl Iglesias

You can struggle for years to get a foot in the door with Hollywood producers--or you can take a page from the book that offers proven advice from twenty-one of the industry's best and brightest!In this tenth anniversary edition, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters, 2nd Edition peers into the lives and workspaces of screenwriting greats--including Terry Rossio (the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise), Aline Brosh McKenna (Morning Glory), Bill Marsilii (Deja Vu), Derek Haas and Michael Brandt (Wanted), and Tony Gilroy (the Bourne franchise).You will learn best practices to fire up your writing process and your career, such as:Be Comfortable with SolitudeCommit to a Career, Not Just One ScreenplayBe Aware of Your Muse's Favorite ActivitiesWrite Terrible First DraftsDon't Work for FreeWrite No Matter What This indispensable handbook will help you hone your craft by living, breathing, and scripting the life you want!

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