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スポーツイベント: 日本語 (方法...シリーズ #70)

by Owen Jones

この本があなたにとって役に立ち、有益で価値のあるものになることを願っています。 この電子書籍は、スポーツとスポーツイベントに関する18章で構成されており、それぞれ約500-600語になります。 スポーツが好きな方、スポーツについての記事を書きたい方に興味を持ってい頂ければ幸いです。 追加特典で、このコンテンツをあなた自身のWebサイトまたはブログやニュースレターで使用することを許可しますが、初めに自分の言葉で書き直しするとよいでしょう。 また本を分割して記事を転売することもできます。あなたが持っていない権利は、購入した本を転売または譲渡することです。 この電子書籍をお買い上げいただき誠にありがとうございます。


by Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero Sarita Reis

廊下に不可欠なガイド すべての実験は、新規性です。初めてジョギングすると、いくつかの新しい靴を持って、または実験がこれまでに再度お試ししたい最初の時間のように、あなたの人生の中で最も思い出し新しさになることができます。 違いは、その日はあなたがそれらの靴をestrenaste触れ、あなたはひどい痛みでマークされた、またはそれらとその日の午後に勝利した場合かどうかです。そして、靴のように、ウォーキング、取扱説明書が付属していません。あなたはそれを暗記し、もはや忘れて、こちらをご覧ください。 次に、実行、または力を敢えて。そこにすべてのための最初の時間は常に、技術マニュアルなしで、多くの場合インチしたがって、フアン・カルロス・アルホナは、スポーツの靴と服を着て、あなたの最初の遠出のために選択した経験の蓄積が持続的な思い出になるよう、あなたが、手に持っているこのガイドが誕生しました。 あなたが避けることができるミス、あなたが従わなければならないのヒントを使用すると、記憶してお薦めやトリックを忘れてはなりません。 30以上の章あなたがランナーとして成長する最も有用な、最も基本的なことを示しています。フアン・カルロス・アルホナは知っていて、陸上競技を理解し、彼らが弱点になるといけないので、新しい靴をすり減らすよう、あなたは、あなたが考慮する必要があり、これらの強みを発見します。 そして、彼の技術を知っているコーチとして、ガイド取り付けられていない、または失望によってつながります。あなただけの一瞬のためにすべてをあ�

Πολεμικές τέχνες: Ο θανατηφόρος συνδυασμός αρχαίων μαχητικών δεξιοτήτων... (Πώς να... #18)

by Όουεν Τζόουνς

Πολεμικές τέχνες Ο θανατηφόρος συνδυασμός αρχαίων μαχητικών δεξιοτήτων... Όταν οι περισσότεροι ακούνε για πολεμικές τέχνες, συνήθως σκέφτονται εκείνες της Άπω Ανατολής, και είναι αλήθεια ότι οι περισσότερες από τις αρχαίες πολεμικές τέχνες που έχουν ακουστά προέρχονται από εκεί. Η αντίληψη των περισσότερων ανθρώπων για τη φράση «πολεμικές τέχνες» είναι πολύ περιορισμένη. Αρκεί να σκεφτεί κανείς ότι η λέξη «πολεμικές» περιέχει τον πόλεμο και η λέξη «τέχνες» περιέχει τις δεξιότητες ή τις μεθόδους. Αυτό ανοίγει το πεδίο εφαρμογής των λέξεων. Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο σχετικά με διάφορες πτυχές των πολεμικών τεχνών τόσο της Ανατολής όσο και της Δύσης είναι χωρισμένες σε 16 κεφάλαια των 500-600 λέξεων περίπου το καθένα.

Το δώρο του Νορούζ

by Gianluca Ellena

Το Νορούζ, η Περσική Πρωτοχρονιά που συμπίπτει με την εαρινή ισημερία βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο της ιστορίας του Γιασίρ, έναν νεαρό Αφγανό από τη Χεράτ που ανακαλύπτει τυχαία το ταλέντο του στο μποξ την ημέρα του Νορούζ. Ο  έφηβος η ζωή του οποίου κυλά ανάμεσα στην άνοδο των Ταλιμπάν και την μετεγκατάσταση στο Ιράν. Με την εκδίωξη των Ταλιμπάν η οικογένεια του νεαρού επιστρέφει όπου ο γιατρός πατέρας του γνωρίζει έναν Αμερικανό συνάδελφο κι έτσι ο Γιασίρ έχει την ευκαιρία να αγωνιστεί επαγγελματικά στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Μολονότι ζει μακριά από το σπίτι η επέτειος του Νορούζ συνεχίζει να φωτίζει τη ζωή του νεαρού Γιασίρ μέχρι τη στιγμή που στην κορύφωση της καριέρας του ο νέος αποφασίζει να εγκαταλείψει τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και να επιστρέψει σε ένα Αφγανιστάν ριζικά αλ&l

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

The 0.1% Academy: Master the 7 Mindsets to Maintain Peak Performance

by Gareth Timmins

Winning once is often achievable. Winning again and again, is where true greatness lies.Join The 0.1% Academy to learn how to maintain an elite mindset to consistently deliver a high performance and avoid burnout.Performance facilitator and elite mindset coach Gareth Timmins was one of only 0.1% of Royal Marines Commando applicants to reach the end of the intensive and gruelling training, and to earn the coveted Green Beret, a world-renowned symbol of excellence.By drawing on his life experiences after reaching this elite status, his subsequent research into psychological theory and observations from elite athletes, Timmins aims to break the commonly held assumption that people who achieve consistent successes, do so with ease. As if they are somehow unaffected mentally or emotionally by the events of everyday life. This book deconstructs the attributes of a growth mindset, highlighting the positive and negative fluidity of thinking that can affect anyone - even at the highest level - if we don't actively manage our wellbeing. By exploring a typical cycle of 7 different mindsets with a raw and honest approach, you will better understand how to sustain mental toughness and high performance in a professional capacity at work or in sport, and avoid the cognitive pitfalls that can lead to goal derailment. In doing so, The 0.1% Academy challenges the notion that 'resilience remains resilient'.Packed with proven, practical applications for building, maintaining and regaining cognitive performance, you can apply the lessons in the book to establish the correct prescription of thinking, avoid pitfalls and maintain successful professional outcomes for longer. Such an approach will not only help individuals to enhance their performance but enrich corporate and team environments too.

1: The Sub-Two-Hour Marathon Is Within Reach?Here?s How It Will Go Down, and What It Can Teach All Runners about Training and Racing

by Philip Maffetone

What will it take to run a marathon in less than two hours?The world's fastest times for the marathon have been dropping since the distance of 26.2 miles was made official nearly one hundred years ago. But after a noticeable decline that occurred for a half century, the times, while still edging lower, have stalled several minutes north of two hours for the past decade.For the first time, 1:59 examines what it will take for an elite distance runner to go sub-two hours. It will require more than raw talent, optimal body size, and great athletic genes. In order to become marathon's Roger Bannister and smash this elusive record, this runner must follow a healthy diet and an individualized training regimen that takes advantage of specific environmental factors ("live high, train low"). Because precious seconds count over each mile run, other critical considerations include improved running form and economy, sharpened mental focus, and wearing the right type of racing flats (or even going barefoot).The athlete who finally breaks distance running's most tantalizing barrier will become a worldwide celebrity overnight. Will the runner be a Kenyan, an Ethiopian, an American, or a marathoner from another country? And how soon will it happen?By providing a unique window into the highly competitive world of elite marathon running, this book also allows running enthusiasts to have a thorough understanding of the true potential of endurance athletes. And in turn, they can apply the same training and racing principles discussed in 1:59 to their own running, whether it's a 10K, half marathon, marathon, or ultramarathon.

1,001 Pearls of Golfers' Wisdom: Advice and Knowledge, from Tee to Green (1001 Pearls)

by Arnold Palmer Jim Apfelbaum

There's an old adage about sports writing that says "the smaller the ball, the better the writing." The quotes that make up 1,001 Pearls of Golfer's Wisdom prove that to be most definitely true! Including great golfers from all around the world and every era of history--Ben Hogan, Bob Hope, George Bernard Shaw, Gary Player, John Updike, Laura Baugh, Tom Watson, Lee Trevino, Donald Trump, Winston Churchill, Bill Murray, and more--these quotes offer wit and wisdom on every stroke and situation. With a foreword from the great Arnold Palmer, this is certainly a book that makes a great gift for golfers everywhere, even if they have to buy it for themselves.

1, 2, 3 Cheers for the Toronto Maple Leafs!: An Official Toronto Maple Leafs Book of Numbers

by Matt Napier

A companion book to M Is for Maple Leafs, this illustrated counting book will delight both young and old. Officially licenced by The Toronto Maple Leafs and NHL and published in celebration of TML 100th anniversary in 2017.In One Leafs Nation, One Hundred Years, Matt Napier and Melanie Rose take us on a tour of Maple Leafs history though vivid illustration and rhyming verse. For children learning their numbers, it has never been this fun -- whether it's Tim Horton's number SEVEN, Darryl Sittler's TEN points in one game, the Leafs' THIRTEEN Stanley Cups, Rick Vaive's FIFTY-goal year, or celebrating the Leafs' ONE HUNDRED years as a team. This book captures the spirit of "Canada's game." One Leafs Nation, One Hundred Years is destined to become a classic that will be handed down from generation to generation.

1, 2, 3, Exercise with Me! Fun Exercises with Elmo (Sesame Street)

by Andrea Posner-Sanchez

In this adorable book, Elmo shares lots of fun exercises that young children—and his Sesame Street friends—can do both indoors and outside. The oversized board book, full of bright photos of the characters and colorful illustrations, is great for caregivers and children to read together.Elmo knows how important exercising is for keeping bodies fit and healthy. And he knows it can be fun! Young children will love doing the exercises Elmo does with his Sesame Street friends, including Grover, Rosita, Abby, Bert and Ernie, and Big Bird.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.

1, 2, 3, Jump!

by Lisl H. Detlefsen

First swimming lessons can be exciting and terrifying, but this joyful and imaginative guide from Lisl H. Detlefsen, illustated by Madeline Valentine, shows young readers how to conquer the pool. From what to wear (a bathing suit, of course!) to what to expect (no, your teacher will not be a mermaid), 1, 2, 3, Jump! covers the what-if’s and how-to’s of getting in the pool for the first time. There’s a lot to worry about (can I be sucked in the filter?) and even more to be excited about (when can I wear flippers?), and our narrator has thought of everything. By the time she’s ready, you to will want to jump in!

1,500 Stretches: The Complete Guide to Flexibility and Movement

by Hollis Liebman

<p>1,500 Stretches--the follow-up book to the New York Times bestseller 2,100 Asanas-- compiles all stretching poses in one place, organized by body part, with stunning photographs, easy-to-follow steps, and the health benefits of each pose. Does your lower back ache from sitting all day? Can you barely walk after your cycling class? Do you stretch your back and feel only more tension? Stretching is vital for chronic pain, building muscle tone, and full movement. <p>1,500 Stretches has the complete collection of stretches organized by body part--back, calf, hamstrings, chest and many more. They are demonstrated in beautiful full-color photographs. The steps are easy to follow and explain what muscle groups are targeted and its benefits for pain relief and physical appearance. There are additional chapters on yoga and partner stretches and the importance of stretching correctly. <p>1,500 Stretches celebrates the beauty of the body through photography, while providing practical advice to feel and look better.</p>

10 Count Trivia

by Dean Miller

Will you be counted out? Can you pin down the answer before that fateful 10 count sounds? Or will you be left out? There is only one way to discover just who is the champ, who really knows sports entertainment. Ten little questions to prove if you really know everything about the events and championships that have raised the rafters in arenas across the globe and carved a place in the history of WWE for the Superstars who dared to step into the ring. We dare you to step up. Take the challenge. It might not be a Texas Death match, but you never know.

10 Days of Pleasure (Days of Pleasure Series #1)

by Stephanie M. Freeman

Some relationships are made in the storm. Real love survives them. Basketball star Dallas Avery has the world in the palm of his hand and a lifetime of happiness or despair within his grasp. For accomplished businesswoman, Alicia Mitchell, love is a double-edged sword wrought with happiness and pain. Business calls the soulmates to Scotland but a new, more treacherous storm is brewing back home. Can their love weather this latest test, or will a crueler fate prevail?ABOUT THE DAYS OF PLEASURE SERIESEach Pleasures book is a standalone, NO cliffhangersUSA TODAY, and National Bestselling Authors take you on amazing journey with NBA Basketball Star, Dallas Avery, and Alicia Mitchell, a woman who is as mysterious as she is beautiful.Follow this unlikely couple as they travel to exotic places such as Paris, Durabia, Caribbean, Scotland and many others. Each story embroils them in a new set of challenges and adventure as they navigate their way to love.Book 1–10 Days of Pleasure by Stephanie M. FreemanBook 2–20 Days of Pleasure by J. L. CampbellBook 3–30 Days of Pleasure by Sierra KayBook 4–40 Days of Pleasure by Martha Kennerson and Stephanie M. FreemanBook 5–50 Days of Pleasure by Anita L. Roseboro and Michelle D. RayfordBook 6–60 Days of Pleasure by VanessaBook 7–70 Days of Pleasure by Christine PaulsBook 8–80 Days of Pleasure by Aiken PonderBook 9–90 Days of Pleasure by Marie L. McKenzie and Naleighna KaiBook 10—Open Door Marriage by Naleighna Kai

10 Little Race Cars (10 Little Vehicles)

by Annie Bailey

Fans of cars and trucks can count down from ten to one as they follow ten classic race cars zooming around the track. This sturdy board book is perfect for the youngest readers!Ten little race cars ready to compete.Time for some fun—Brummmm! Crowd is on their feet.It's the car race of the century! On each page of this action-packed board book, young readers can count down race cars from ten to one. Along the way, motorsport fans will spot cars inspired by some of the legends of the history of racing, including the Porsche 917, Lancia Stratos, McLaren MP4/4, and Bugatti Type 35. With noisy words on every page, this is the perfect book to read aloud with your little race car fan.Also available:10 Little Tractors10 Little Excavators10 Little Construction Trucks

10 Things You Might Not Know About Nearly Everything

by Mark Jacob Stephan Benzkofer

For years, the Chicago Tribune's "10 Things You Might Not Know" column has been informing and entertaining readers on a diverse range of fascinating subjects. 10 Things You Might Not Know About Nearly Everything is a collection of the best of these columns, presented in a fun and easy-to-read format. This book gives readers well-researched, obscure facts on universal topics--including arts and culture, food and leisure, history, politics, science and technology, sports, holidays and religion, lifestyle, language, and more.10 Things You Might Not Know About Nearly Everything contains a plethora of surprising trivia and pertinent tidbits on so many different areas that will appeal to everyone from history buffs to sports fans to foodies, with an especially riveting look into Chicago-area history and facts. For example, in Zion, Illinois it was once not only illegal to gamble, curse, and sell alcohol and tobacco, but also to whistle on Sundays, put on plays, eat pork or oysters, spit, or wear tan-colored shoes.Some facts will make readers laugh and some will make jaws drop. This collection is a kaleidoscope of the absurd, the outrageous, and the sometimes-gruesome, making a highly entertaining mix of people, places, and things. 10 Things You Might Not Know About Nearly Everything will leave readers brighter, wittier, and curious to learn more about myriad worlds they never encountered before and will never forget.

100 años de boxeo argentino en 12 combates legendarios

by Diego Morilla Carlos Irusta Ernesto Cherquis Bialo

Un recorrido por la historia del boxeo argentino a través de una selección de peleas insoslayables y de sus figuras más importantes, de la mano de tres de los periodistas que más saben. El 14 de septiembre de 1923, en el Polo Grounds de Nueva York, Luis Firpo y Jack Dempsey se enfrentaron en un combate para el infarto. Firpo regresaría a la argentina con una derrota con gusto a robo para obtener la primera licencia que tuvo el boxeo profesional en el país. Nacía así, cien años atrás, el boxeo argentino. Son muchos los golpes y las figuras que pasaron desde entonces por los cuadriláteros de acá y del mundo. Las doce peleas que se relatan aquí no son las más feroces ni las más taquilleras. Tampoco acaso las "mejores", sino un puñado de las que jalonaron la historia. Todas encierran momentos memorables que duran apenas unos segundos pero dejaron huellas indelebles en el imaginario colectivo. El Torito Suárez llena un estadio para ganarle a Mocoroa. Desde Japón, Pascual Pérez trae el primer campeonato mundial. La rivalidad entre Prada y Gatica trasciende el cuadrilátero para insertarse en la vida política y social de su época. Locche pinta, en su victoria ante Fujii, nuestra primera obra maestra. Ringo Bonavena y Ali protagonizan un verdadero choque de planetas. Y hay más. El uno-dos de Monzón dominando a los medianos de su era. La épica y sangrienta batalla entre Galíndez y Kates. La mano milagrosa del Roña Castro ante Jackson. La hazaña de la Tigresa Acuña desafiando a Christy Martin sin siquiera tener licencia. Maravilla Martínez imponiéndose con talento y drama ante Chávez Jr. El Chino Maidana desafiando al mejor del mundo y poniendo el coraje y los alfajores argentinos en boca de todo el planeta. Cien años de historias escritas en sangre y sudor. Y el relato en las voces de tres generaciones de periodistas que nos traen cada golpe, cada lágrima y cada grito de agonía y de éxtasis de esta gesta que sigue tallando grandes nombres en el deporte argentino.

100 Athletes Who Shaped Sports History (100 Series)

by Russell Roberts Timothy Jacobs

The collaborative effort of Timothy Jacobs and Russell Roberts, 100 Athletes Who Shaped Sports History is a compilation of one hundred single-page biographies summarizing the lives and achievements of great athletes ranging from Ted Williams, Patty Berg, and Sugar Ray Leonard, to Jackie Robinson, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretzky. A black-and-white photograph or a simple sketch of each of the great sports figures accompanies the brief narrative describing their role in the particular sport they embraced. 100 Athletes Who Shaped Sports History is recommended as a quick and easy read for sports trivia buffs, as well as being a great book to introduce young people to the varied and diverse world of sports legends.

100 Baseball Legends Who Shaped Sports History (100 Series)

by Russell Roberts

Learn all about the amazing lives and careers of 100 of the greatest baseball players of all time with this fact-filled biography collection for kids. Educational and engaging, 100 Baseball Legends Who Shaped Sports History features:Simple, easy-to-read, and freshly updated textIllustrated portraits of each playerFascinating facts and statsA timeline, trivia questions, project ideas and more!From Cy Young to Lou Gherig, Jackie Robinison to Hank Aaron, George Brett to Derek Jeter and many more, readers will be introduced to the lives and feats of the greatest athletes ever to play baseball. Organized chronologically, 100 Baseball Legends Who Shaped Sports History offers a look at the amazing talent and skill of these players and how their accomplishments and careers have influenced the sport from its very beginnings all the way through the present day.

100 Best Bikes

by Zahid Sardar

These are the best bikes to be found anywhere right now, giving every kind of cyclist an overview of what is out there. Whether a BMXtreme or mountain bike enthusiast, a keen tourer or racer, a city commuter or courier, or simply fascinated with the constantly advancing mechanics and engineering of folding and other innovative bike designs, this book has something for you. The bikes on display come from across Europe, East and South Asia and North America, not to mention examples from the southern hemisphere. The major bike manufacturers like Boardman, Giant and Fuji are of course featured, but also more maverick material from Biomega, Calfee and Daymak. 100 Best Bikes is the essential resource for anyone wanting to know about the best in design and engineering for every kind of bike.

100 Best Bikes

by Zahid Sardar

These are the best bikes to be found anywhere right now, giving every kind of cyclist an overview of what is out there. Whether a BMXtreme or mountain bike enthusiast, a keen tourer or racer, a city commuter or courier, or simply fascinated with the constantly advancing mechanics and engineering of folding and other innovative bike designs, this book has something for you. The bikes on display come from across Europe, East and South Asia and North America, not to mention examples from the southern hemisphere. The major bike manufacturers like Boardman, Giant and Fuji are of course featured, but also more maverick material from Biomega, Calfee and Daymak. 100 Best Bikes is the essential resource for anyone wanting to know about the best in design and engineering for every kind of bike.

100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland: the essential practical guide to experiencing Scotland's truly dramatic, extensive and ever-varying coastline on foot

by Andrew Dempster

If you are keen to explore the six thousand miles of coastline that Scotland has to offer, then this is the perfect guide for you. Complete with maps and illustrations and covering walks ranging from gentle strolls, family friendly outings and full-scale hikes, this is the perfect handbook for any Scottish adventure!'An invaluable accessory to the boots and the backpack' -- Daily Record'This selection of day trips, including maps and useful information, is a welcome sight' -- Scottish Field'Superb book with some great walks in it - ideal for new and old hikers alike' -- ***** Reader review'Excellent and very informative' -- ***** Reader review'Brilliant - very impressed, nicely laid out and nice maps too' -- ***** Reader review**************************************************************************************Scotland and its islands encompass more than 10,000 miles of breath-taking coastline. The 100 routes outlined by Andrew Dempster in this essential guide take in the quaint fishing ports, long sun-bleached strands and vast golf links of the east coast; the grand Gothic cliffs, natural arches and storm-tossed sea-stacks that comprise much of the fractured edge of the Atlantic; the kaleidoscopic wildflower carpet of the Western Isles machair; the romantic castles and Clearance settlements of Skye; and myriad idyllic secluded beaches and awe-inspiring clifftop vantage points.This unique guide covers the whole spectrum, from short hour-long beach strolls to serious full-day hikes that require mountain gear and total commitment.Compiled in a user-friendly format, containing maps and illustrations throughout, 100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland provides a wealth of walking possibilities for anyone with an interest in outdoor pursuits, with many of the walks also suitable for children.Book that staycation now!

100 Days of Adventure: Nature Activities, Creative Projects, and Field Trips for Every Season

by Greta Eskridge

Turn off the screen and turn on the creativity as second-generation homeschooling mom Greta Eskridge shares 100 hands-on learning activities for kids that will connect and enrich your family through adventures, small and big.Have a meteor slumber party, attend a symphony concert, take a hike in the rain, preserve colorful fall leaves, and make nettle pesto as children explore a love of nature and venture into the great, wide, real world. From backyard bugs to farmer's market veggies, children will unplug from electronics; explore the world; and learn about nature, art, music, and themselves through STEAM projects and new experiences.100 Days of Adventure will spark curiosity in 6- to 10-year-olds withIndoor and outdoor seasonal activities, projects, experiments, crafts, recipes, and field tripsFree and low-cost activities, with options for different kinds of groups and locationsStep-by-step directions, nature journal prompts, tips, and checklistsBeautiful photos and helpful illustrationsChildren can bond with parents and siblings, learn new skills with individual investigations, or explore with friends in an educational or homeschool group with this full-color activity book. Also included is a note to parents with encouraging start-here guidance on growing a family culture of curiosity and adventure.Whether your family is looking for fun activities for school breaks at home, road trip vacations, or everyday ways to learn together, this collection of interactive educational activities will help your kids get creative, get into nature, and get closer to each other.Don't miss Greta's essential guide for parents on building a connected and loving family through exploration, Adventuring Together: How to Create Connections and Make Lasting Memories with Your Kids.

100 Family Adventures

by Tim Meek Kerry Meek Amy Meek Ella Meek

From “the adventure ambassadors our current generation of cotton-wood kids urgently need,” an outdoor activity guide to keep kids happy and healthy (Daily Telegraph).Adventure is out there—you just have to go and find it!Childhood obesity is increasing year on year. Happiness and well-being levels in children are on the decline too. Children spend less time outside and more time in front of screens: computers, phones, games, television.100 Family Adventures provides a valuable resource bank of tried and tested outdoor activities to enjoy with children, swapping “screen time” for “green time.” Particularly inspiring for people who want to get started, but don’t know how, the book shows how any family can enjoy time together outdoors.Activities are grouped into themes: Woodland, Water, Close to Home, Hills and Mountains, Exploring, By the Sea, Extreme Weather. Within each section is a range in difficulty, from making a rope swing to scrambling up a stream, from spending a day without electricity to going on a charity bike ride, from exploring a rockpool to camping on an uninhabited island.Packed with inspiring photos, sensible but enthusiastic instructions from parents Tim and Kerry combine with remarks and advice (and jokes!) from children Amy and Ella.

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