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by Bernard Levine Zachary Watts



by Maki Starfield Vihang A. Naik

「世界は震える/汚染された惑星/助けを求めて/女神ガンガーは叫ぶ」 ヴィハンの詩集『シティタイムズ』からの一節である。イタリア語とスペイン語にも訳されているこの詩集は、人間とは何か、生きるということは何か、を社会的背景や歴史的伝統の違う私たちに問いかけています。人生は創るものであり、新しい自分を創っていく、それが人生だよ、と彼の言葉は教えています。まず、自分を愛すること、大切にすることが大事だと言います。自分を見つめ、人生を考えた時、しみじみと身にしみる詩です。 「ハートを開いて/命が入ってくる/本当に生きている」

أسواق الذهب

by أحمد شوقى

قلْ لا أعرِف الرِّقّ، وتقيَّد بالواجب وتقيَّد بالحقّ؛ الحرية وما هِيَه؟ "الحُمَيراءُ"  الغالية، فِتنةُ القرون الخالية، وطَلِبةُ النفوسِ العالية؛ غِذاءُ الطّبائع، ومادّةُ الشرائع، وأُمُّ الوسائل والذَّرائع؛ بنتُ العلم إذا عمّ، والخلق إذا تمّ، وربيبة الصبر الجميل والعمل الجمّ؛ الجهلُ يئدُها، والصغائرُ تُفسدُها، والفُرْقةُ تُبعدُها؛ تكبيرةُ الوجود، في أُذُن المولود؛ وتحية الدُّنيا له إذا وصل، وصيْحة الحياة به إذا نَصَل؛ هاتِفٌ منَ السماءِ يقولُ له: يا ابنَ آدم؛ حَسْبُكَ من الأسماءِ عبدُ الله وسيّدُ العالَم، وهي القابلة التي تستقبله، ثم تسرُّهُ وتُسَرْبلُه، وهي المهدُ والتميمَة، والمُرضعُ الكريمة، المنجبة كـ "حليمة". ألبانُها حياة، وأحضانُها جنَّات. وأنفاسُها طيِّبات. العزيزُ من وُلدَ بين سَحْرِها ونَحْرها، وتعلق بصدرِها، ولعِبَ على كَتِفها وحِجرها، وترعرعَ بين خِدرها وسِترها.. ضجيعةُ موسى في التابوت، وَجاوَرَتْه في دار الطاغوت، والعصا التي توكأ عليها، والنَّارُ التي عشَا إليها، جبلّةُ المَسيح، السِّيدِ السَّميح، وإنجيلُه، الذي حاربُه جيلُه، وسَبيلُه، الذي جانَبَهُ قَبيلُه، طِينةُ محمدٍ عن نفسِه، عن قومِه، عن أمسِه، عن يومه، أنسابٌ عالية، وأحسابٌ زاكية، وملوكٌ بادية، لم يَدنهم طاغية، وهي رُوحُ بيانِه، ومُنحدَر السُّوَر على لسانِه، الحرِّية، عقدُ الملك، وعهدُ المَلْك، وسًكان الفُلْك، يدُ القلم، على الأمم، ومِنحة الفكر، ونفحة الشعر وقصيدة الدهر، لا يُستَعْظَمُ فيها قرْبان، ولو كان الخليفة عثمان بن عفان، جنينٌ يحمَلُ به في أيام المحْنَة، وتحتَ أفياء الفتنة، وحينَ البغي سيرة السَّامَّة ، والعدوان وتيرة العامَّة، وعندَما تناهى غفلة السواد، وتفاقم عَبث القوَّاد، وبين الدَّم المطلول، والسيف المسلول، والنظم المحلول، وكذلك كان الرُّسلُ يولدون عندَ عموم الجهالة، ويُبعثون حين طمُوم الضلالة؛ فإذا كَملَتْ مدَّتُه. وطلَعتْ غُرَّتهُ، وسطعَتْ أُسِرَّتُه، وصحَّتْ في المهد إمرتُه، بدّلت الحالَ غيرَ الحال، وجاءَ رجالٌ بعدَ الرِّجَال؛ دينٌ ينفسحُ للصادقِ والمنافق، وسوقٌ يتَّسع للكاسِد والنَّافق، مولودٌ حمْلُهُ قرُون، ووضعُهُ سِنُون، وحَداثتُه أشغالٌ وشئون، وأهوالٌ وشجون، فرحِمَ الله كلَّ من وطَّأ ومهَّد، وهيَّأ وتعهَّد، ثم استشهدَ قبلَ أن يشهَد. إذا أحرزت الأُممُ الحرِّيَّة أتت السيادةُ من نفسِها، وسعت الإمارةُ على رأسِها، وبُنِيَت الحضارةُ من أُسِّها؛ فهي الآمرُ الوازع، القليلُ المُنازِع، النبيلُ المشاربِ والمَنَازع؛ الذي لا يتخذ شِيعة، ولا صنيعة، ولا يَزْدهي بخديعة؛ خازنٌ ساهر، وحاسبٌ ماهر؛ دانقُ الجماعة بذمةٍ منهُ وأمان، ودِرْهَمُهم في حِرْزهِ دِرْهَمَان. "فيا ليلى" ماذا مِن أترَاب، وارَيْتِ التراب؟ وأخدان، أسلمتِ للديدان؟ عُمَّالٌ للحق عُمَّار، كانوا الشُّموسَ والأقمار، فأصبحوا على أفواه الرُّكَّاب والسُّمار؛ وأين قيسُك المعولِ؟ ومجنونُك الأوَّل؟ حائطُ الحقُّ الأطوَل، وفارسُ الحقيقةِ الأجوَل؛ أين مصطفى؟ زينُ الشباب، ورَيْحان الأحباب. وأوَّلُ من دَفع الباب، وأبرزَ النَّاب، وزأرَ دون الغاب؟...  

أميرة الأندلس

by أحمد شوقى

            "الملك نشوان ومعه مضحكه مقلاص يدنو من زورق على الوادي الكبير فيثب فيه ويقول" الملك       :         انظر يا مقلاص إلى هذا الزورق ما ألطفه، صدق القول: كل صغير لطيف. مقلاص    :         إلا وظيفتي في قصرك فإنها لا لطيفة ولا شريفة، وإن هذا الزورق قد ينقلب فيأخذ شكل النعش، ولن يكون النعشُ لطيفًا أبدًا. الملك       :         هبه انقلب يا مقلاص فصار نعشًا، أليس النعشُ مركبَ كل حي وإن طالتْ سلامته! مقلاص    :         أما أنا فيعفيني الملك. الملك       :         لا يا مقلاص لا أعفيك، ولا أحسبك تدعني أسير في لجة النهر وحدي وأنا كما تراني نشوان. مقلاص    :         وإن كان ولابد أيها الملك فإني أقترح.. الملك       :         وما تقترح؟ مقلاص    :         أن أكون أنا المجدِّفَ وحدي. الملك       :         ولماذا؟ مقلاص    :         الأمر بيِّن! التيار مجنون، والسكر مجنون، وأنت سلطان وكل سلطان مجنون. وهذا الزورق خشبة لا عقل لها فهو أيضًا مجنون؛ وإني أربأ بحياتي أيها الملك أن أجمع عليها مجانين أربعة. الملك       :         (مستضحكًا) لا يكون إلا ما اقترحتَ يا مقلاص، تعال اركب وجدف وحدك واترك لي أنا الدفة. مقلاص    :         أما هذا فنعم. وإني أرجو أن تكون دفة هذا المركب الصغير أحسن مصيرًا في يديك من دفة المملكة. الملك       :         (مستضحكًا) تعال ثب؛ هات يدك. (مقلاص ينزل إلى الزورق ويأخذ المجدافين). الملك       :         انظر يا مقلاص وراءك، إني أرى قاربًا يندفع نحونا مسرعًا كأنه حوت مطارد مذعور. مقلاص    :         هو ذا قد دنا منا يا مولاي، فأحسن مسك الدفة واجتنب الصدمة، وأنا أزوده عنا بمجدافي هذا وأضربه ضربة تقذف به إلى الشاطئ الآخر من النهر. الملك       :         إياك أن تفعل بل ائسره، فلابد لنا أن نؤدب هذا الشاب المغرور، فإني أرى الملاح فتى كريم الهيئة فهو لاشك من أبناء أعيان أشبيلية. (يصطدم الزورقان ويظهر مقلاص ارتباكًا وجبنًا، فيقبض الملك على الزورق المهاجم بيد قوية ويقول لمقلاص) الملك       :         اقذف الآن به إن استطعت إلى الشاطئ الآخر من النهر (ثم يلتفت إلى الشاب الملاح ويقول) مكانك أيها الغلام الوقاح، ما هذه الجرأة على التيار وعلى شبابك هذا الغض النضير! وما غرك بالملك حتى قربت عودك من عوده تريد أن تأخذ عليه الطريق. الملاح     :         مولاي إن الرعية يهفون، وإن الملوك يعفون، وزورقي إنما اندفع بقوة التيار القاهر فوافق مرور مركبك المحروس، فكان ما كان مما أعتذر للملك منه. الملك       :         (بصوت منخفض) ويح أُذني ماذا تسمع؟ هذا الصوت أعرفه؟ (ثم يلتفت إلى الملاح قائلاً): قد عرفت أيها الفتى من نحن، فعرفنا بنفسك. (يرفع الملاح قناعه) الملك       :         (صائحًا) بثينة! الأميرة     :         (الملاح) أجل أيها الملك ابنتك وأمتك بثينة. الملك       :         عجبًا! أأنتِ هنا بين العبب والتيار، وعلى هذا العود الذي يشفق أبوك من ركوبه، وأبوك من تعلمين أشجع العرب قلبًا؟ الأميرة     :         ولم لا تكون ابنة الملك شجاعة القلب مثله! إن الأسد لا يلد إلا اللباة. الملك       :         (يهدأ غضبه) ومن أين مجيئكِ الساعة يا بثينة؟  

1.5 Knot (Short Stories)

by Vasdev Mohi

1.5 Knot is a collection of short stories written by Vasdev Mohi and translated into english by Dr. Vinod Asudani.

10 Fat Turkeys

by Tony Johnston Richard F. Deas

This silly rhyming story about ten turkeys teaches children how to count backwards. "Looky!" says a silly turkey swinging from a vine. Gobble gobble wibble wobble. Whoops! Now there are nine. Girls and boys will gobble up this hilarious story about ten goofy turkeys and their silly antics: swinging from a vine, strutting on a boar, doing a noodle dance, and more. Veteran author Tony Johnston has written a joyful text, which first-time illustrator Richard Deas brings to life as wild and wacky fun!

10 Gedichte

by Mois Benarroch

Eine Auswahl von 10 markanten Gedichten des marokkanischstämmigen israelischen Dichters Mois Benarroch, die seine zentralen Themen wie die Essenz der Poesie, geographische und politische Identität, Individualismus und den jüdisch-palästinensischen Konflikt in literarische Form gießen. Aus dem Englischen von Arno Maierbrugger

10 Little Excavators (10 Little Vehicles)

by Annie Bailey

Fans of cars and trucks books such as Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site can count down from ten to one as they follow busy excavators during their working day.10 little excavators wake up with the sun. Can't wait to work—Vrooom! Now it's time for fun.With each page-turn of this sturdy, action-packed board book, young readers can count all the hard-working diggers from ten down to one. Along the way, they'll learn all the things these mighty construction vehicles do—digging, clearing, smoothing, and smashing. With noisy words to read aloud on every page, this is a perfect board book for all little vehicle and construction fans. Also available: 10 Little Tractors

10 poesie

by Mois Benarroch Giuseppina Michea

Una selezione di 10 poesie del poeta israeliano Mois Benarroch, che include la famosa poesia "Horses" .

The 100 Best Love Poems of All Time

by Leslie Pockell

Here, in one compact volume, is a greatest hits collection of the 100 bets love poems ever written by 100 of the world's greatest poets. This essential anthology is ideal for the romantic-and will inspire any cynic. The poets included range throughout the history of world literature: from the Classics (Sappho, Catullus) and Renaissance (Shakespeare, Donne, Dante) to the Romantics (Shelly, Keats, Wordsworth) and 20th century giants (Frost, Lorca, Graves), right down to the present day (Viorst, Patchen, Neruda). Each poem features a brief introduction, which details the poet's life history as well as the poem's significance

100 Best-Loved Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Philip Smith

Popular, well-known poetry: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love," "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "Death, be not proud," "The Raven," "The Road Not Taken," plus works by Blake, Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Emerson, Browning, Keats, Kipling, Sandburg, Pound, Auden, Thomas, and many others. Includes 13 selections from the Common Core State Standards Initiative: "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening," "Fog," "Chicago," "Jabberwocky," "O Captain! My Captain!" "The Road Not Taken," "Musee des Beaux Arts," "Ozymandias," "Sonnet 73," "The Raven," "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," "Ode on a Grecian Urn," and "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter."

100 Best-Loved Poems

by Philip Smith

Popular, well-known poetry: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love," "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "Death, be not proud," "The Raven," "The Road Not Taken," plus works by Blake, Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Emerson, Browning, Keats, Kipling, Sandburg, Pound, Auden, Thomas, and many others. Includes 13 selections from the Common Core State Standards Initiative: "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening," "Fog," "Chicago," "Jabberwocky," "O Captain! My Captain!" "The Road Not Taken," "Musee des Beaux Arts," "Ozymandias," "Sonnet 73," "The Raven," "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," "Ode on a Grecian Urn," and "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter. "

100 Cats: Cute Kitties to Count

by Michael Whaite

CATS RULE! Can there really be 100 cats behaving in oh-so familiar cat-like ways packed into the pages of this picture book?Caring cat, sharing cat, stood still staring cat . . . . Follow Michael Whaite's fun and lively rhyme as it weaves its way through long cats, silly cats, frizzy cats...100% hilarious cats. Speaking of 100, you can count them all! This romp of a read-aloud is bursting with amusing details to spot and funny felines that cat-lovers won't be able to resist.A purr-fect book to return time and again by the award-winning creator of Diggersaurs and Diggersaurs Explore.

100 Dogs: Playful Pups to Count

by Michael Whaite

TOP DOGS! Can there really be 100 dogs behaving in oh-so familiar doggy ways packed into the pages of this picture book?Leap dog, sheep dog, fallen fast asleep dog. . . . Follow Michael Whaite's fun and lively rhyme as it weaves its way from happy dogs to yappy dogs to every type of dog in between.This romp of a read-aloud is bursting with amusing details to spot and hilarious hounds that dog-lovers won't be able to resist. Readers will want to pore over it again and again. Which dog is yours? Michael Whaite is the award-winning author-illustrator of Diggersaurs and Diggersaur Explore. 100 Dogs was recognized with two Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards in England for Best Picture Book and Children's Book of the Year.

100 Favorite English and Irish Poems (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Clarence C. Strowbridge

This compact anthology contains many of the best works of 59 poets writing in English--from the complex rhyme schemes of Elizabethan poet Edmund Spenser and lovely sonnets of the preeminent English poet and playwright William Shakespeare to William Blake's visionary works and John Keats' profound insights into the nature of beauty, art, and mortality.Here also are beloved poems by Christopher Marlowe, John Donne, William Wordsworth, Robert Browning, Christina Rossetti, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Burns, William Butler Yeats, Rupert Brooke, T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, and 43 other great English, Irish, and Scottish writers. In addition to a concise introduction, this volume provides brief commentaries on the poets represented. The result is a carefully selected anthology that will be studied and treasured by students and poetry lovers alike. Includes 5 selections from the Common Core State Standards Initiative: "Loveliest of Trees," "Musee des Beaux Arts," "Ozymandias," "Sonnet 73," and "Ode on a Grecian Urn."

100 Poems: 25 Years of the Forward Books of Poetry

by Seamus Heaney

Selected poems from a Nobel laureateSeamus Heaney had the idea to make a personal selection of poems from across the entire arc of his writing life, a collection small yet comprehensive enough to serve as an introduction for all comers. He never managed to do this himself, but now, finally, the project has been returned to, resulting in an intimate gathering of poems chosen and introduced by the Heaney family. No other selection of Heaney’s poems exists that has such a broad range, drawing from the first to the last of his prizewinning collections. In 100 Poems, readers will enjoy the most loved and celebrated poems, and will discover new favorites. It is a singular and welcoming anthology, reaching far and wide, for now and for years to come.

100 Poems

by Rudyard Kipling Thomas Pinney

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), winner of the 1907 Nobel Prize for Literature and author of one of the most popular poems in the English language, 'If-', has long captured the interest of poetry lovers. Here, Thomas Pinney brings together a selection of well-established favourites and the best of the previously uncollected and unpublished poems from The Cambridge Edition of the Poems of Rudyard Kipling (2013). The poems, whether exploring the colonial experience, exposing the injustice of war, or appreciating the beauties of nature, resonate with Kipling's keen observations of his world and strong sense of poetic rhythm. Discovered by Pinney in an array of unlikely hiding places, the uncollected and unpublished poems show the diversity and development of Kipling's talent over his lifetime, and, when combined with long-held favourites, offer readers a unique opportunity to experience Kipling's mastery of poetry in a new way.

100 Poems

by Helen Wilcox

George Herbert (1593-1633) is widely regarded as the greatest devotional poet in the English language. His profound influence can be seen in the lasting popularity of his verse. This selection of one hundred lyric poems by Herbert is designed for readers to enjoy the beauty, spirituality, accessibility and humanity of his best verse. Each poem uses the authoritative text from the acclaimed Cambridge edition of Herbert's poems, presenting them in their original spelling in a clear and elegant format. The selection includes such well-loved lyric verses as 'Love bade me welcome', 'Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing', 'I struck the board and cry'd, No more' and 'Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright'. A preface by Helen Wilcox, editor of the Cambridge edition, celebrates the key features of Herbert's poetry for a new generation of readers.

100 Poems By 100 Poets: An Anthology

by Harold Pinter Geoffrey Godbert Anthony Astbury

This book took final shape on a train journey to Cornwall in January this year, when Anthony Astbury, Geoffrey Godbert and myself went to visit Nessie Graham, following the death of her husband, W. S. Graham. By the time we had taken the return journey to London, 100 Poems by 100 Poets was well on its way. It was a great twelve hours.

100 Poems from the Japanese

by Kenneth Rexroth

It is remarkable that any Westerner--even so fine a poet as Kenneth Rexroth--could have captured in translation so much of the subtle essence of classic Japanese poetry: the depth of controlled passion, the austere elegance of style, the compressed richness of imagery. The poems are drawn chiefly from the traditional Manyoshu, Kokinshu and Hyakunin Isshu collections, but there are also examplaes of haiku and other later forms. The sound of the Japanese texts i reproduced in Romaji script and the names of the poets in the calligraphy of Ukai Uchiyama. The translator's introduction gives us basic background on the history and nature of Japanese poetry, which is supplemented by notes on the individual poets and an extensive bibliography.

100 Poems to Break Your Heart

by Edward Hirsch

100 of the most moving and inspiring poems of the last 200 years from around the world, a collection that will comfort and enthrall anyone trapped by grief or loneliness, selected by the award-winning, best-selling, and beloved author of How to Read a PoemImplicit in poetry is the idea that we are enriched by heartbreaks, by the recognition and understanding of suffering—not just our own suffering but also the pain of others. We are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish, or to let others vanish, without leaving a record. And poets are people who are determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into art that speaks to others.In 100 Poems to Break Your Heart, poet and advocate Edward Hirsch selects 100 poems, from the nineteenth century to the present, and illuminates them, unpacking context and references to help the reader fully experience the range of emotion and wisdom within these poems. For anyone trying to process grief, loneliness, or fear, this collection of poetry will be your guide in trying times.

100 Poems to Lift Your Spirits

by Leslie Pockell Celia Johnson

No matter what the occasion, this collection of poems is the perfect gift to cheer up a friend or family member. Here, in this compact volume, are 100 poems written by the world's greatest poets, some inspiring, some hilarious, and all memorable. Each delightful poem is preceded by an illuminating headnote. Among the poems included are classics, such as Schiller's "Ode to Joy," Wordsworth's "My Heart Leaps Up," Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life," and Dickinson's "'Hope is the Thing with Feathers." This collection includes many more captivating works that take as their exhilarating theme the limitless possibilities of human existence. Whether it's through inspired nonsense or insightful commentary, these poems will leave readers feeling happier and enriched for having read them.

100 Poets: A Little Anthology

by John Carey

A wonderfully readable anthology of our greatest poetry, chosen by the author of A Little History of Poetry"Does anyone know more about poetry than John Carey? Almost certainly not."—The Times A poem seems a fragile thing. Change a word and it is broken. But poems outlive empires and survive the devastation of conquests. Celebrated author John Carey here presents a uniquely valuable anthology of verse based on a simple principle: select the one-hundred greatest poets from across the centuries, and then choose their finest poems. Ranging from Homer and Sappho to Donne and Milton, Plath and Angelou, this is a delightful and accessible introduction to the very best that poetry can offer. Familiar favorites are nestled alongside marvelous new discoveries—all woven together with Carey&’s expert commentary. Particular attention is given to the works of female poets, like Christina Rossetti and Charlotte Mew. This is a personal guide to the poetry that shines brightest through the ages. Within its pages, readers will find treasured poems that remain with you for life.

1000 Poems from the Manyoshu: The Complete Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai Translation

by Japanese Classics Translation Committee

Dating from the 8th century and earlier, the Manyoshu is the oldest Japanese poetry anthology; it is also widely considered to be the best. The 1,000 poems (out of a total of more than 4,500) in this famous selection were chosen by a distinguished scholarly committee based on their poetic excellence, their role in revealing the Japanese national spirit and character, and their cultural and historical significance. The acclaimed translations artfully preserve the simplicity and direct quality of the originals, and encompass an enormous range of human emotions and experiences. Text is in English only.

1001 Really Ridiculously Silly Jokes

by Clive Gifford

Know any good jokes? Here are 1001 (yes, one thousand and one!) awesome ones for the whole family to enjoy!Why did the empty sandwich go to the dentist?IT NEEDED A FILLING.What do you call a 20,000-year-old joke?PRE-HYSTERICAL.With jokes galore, puns, one-liners, visual gags, play on words and hilarious illustrations. Divided into sections such as 'Hilarious Holidays', 'Teacher Titters' and 'Football Funnies', this book will never get old and will have your friends and whole family laughing. A hilarious bumper book that will captivate any child and spark an interest in reading - created by the bestselling author of Teenage Kicks and Eye Benders, and winner of the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize.

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