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Ρήματα στα ισπανικά

by Editorial Karibdis

Ειδικά γραμμένο για ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές, το βιβλίο Ρήματα στα ισπανικά αποτελείται από μια εισαγωγή στον σχηματισμό όλων των ρηματικών χρόνων στα ισπανικά, καθώς και 100 βασικά ρήματα πλήρως κλιμένα με τη σημασία τους. Αυτό το βιβλίο επιτρέπει στον χρήστη να κάνει αναζήτηση στο περιεχόμενό του, επειδή δεν έχει εικόνες ή μη αναγνώσιμο κείμενο.

سيرة الظاهر بيبرس المجلد الثاني

by مجهول

(قال الراوي) فقال الملك سامحك الله بما فعلت من ذلك ولكن لا بد من التحقيق بينكما وما يكون الرأي في ذلك الركبة فقال يا مولاي اعلم أن الأعجام واثقين مني ولكن أنت رجعت إلى العرض وأنا رجعت إليهم وأقبل الليل بالاعتكار أرسل إلى أخواتي الفداوية وأنا أكون معاونًا لهم على كبس الركبة ونهب الأعادي فقال الملك هذا هو الصواب والأمر الذي لا يعاب ثم رجع إلى مكانه بعد أن تودع السلطان منه وعاد بيبرس وقد اجتمع برشيد الدولة وأعاد عليه سرًا بينه وبينه ففرح رشيد بذلك الخبر وتهلل وجهه واستبشر ثم أخذه ودخل على القان هلاون وقال له اعلم أن بيبرس العجمي قد تحارب مع قان عرب وكان مراده أسره فلم أمكنه ذلك ولكن لا بد أن يأسره غدًا إن شاءت النار فقال اللمين قوم بلاه ثم إنهم صبروا إلى الليل وقد نامت الأعاجم وهم آمنين من حوادث الزمان وما خبئ لهم عند مدبر الأكوان حتى توسط الليل فبينما هم في ألذ ما يكون من المنام وإذا بالصياح قد أخذهم من سائر الأقطار ووقع فيهم القتل السيف البتار فلا أحد قدر أن يثور من مكانه حتى طارت رأسه عن أبدانه وربما كان الرجل منهم إذا أخذ سلاحه قتل به أخاه وأعدمه الحياة ومنهم من كان متجرد بغير حسام وصارت المجوس شنيارها معكوس وجيشها مكبوس وعمل فيهم السيف والدبوس ولمعت السيوف في غياهب الملموس وزهقت النفوس وجرى الدما من الرجال مثل ذبح النيوس وعاد صباحهم معكوس وعمل فيهم البتار وقد اشتعلت نار الحرب إشعال وتحندل الأفيال وجرى الدما وسال فلا كنت تسمع للسيوف إلا الرنين ولا للمجاريح إلا الأنين وأخذهم السيف من الشمال واليمين وضاق عليهم البر الفسيح وتعاووا مثل عي الذبيح وضاق الخناق وشربوا من الموت أمر مذاق ووقف الحرب على قدم وساق وتعلقت الفرسان الفرسان والشجعان وطارت الرؤوس من الأبدان وزهقت النفوس من شدة الولهان وشيب الشجاع المصان وولى الجبان المهان وصار الدم ينزل والسيف يعمل ونار الحرب يشعل وكانت هذه الواقعة لا يعرف لها أول من آخر (يا سادة) وكان السبب في ذلك سبب عجيب وهو أنه لما رجع الملك من الميدان أخبر الوزير بما دار بينه وبين بيبرس من الكلام.

غرائب التنبيهات على عجائب التشبيهات

by ابن ظافر الأزدي

يعد كتاب "غرائب التنبيهات على عجائب التشبيهات" من نوادر كتب ابن ظافر الممتعة وهو من كتب علوم الآدب والبلاغة

الانتخاب لكشف الأبيات المشكلة الإعراب

by علي بن عدلان الموصلي النحوي

يدخل هذا الكتاب في عالم اللغة، حيث عرض فيه المؤلف للأبيات الشعرية المشكلة الإعراب، وحل إشكالها وكشف عن وجوه الإعراب فيها، وقد ضمّ الكتاب 165 بيتاً، واتسم بالاختصار والإيجاز.

الألفاظ المختلفة في المعاني المؤتلفة

by محمد بن عبد الملك بن مالك الطائي الجياني أبو عبد الله

كتاب "الألفاظ المختلفة في المعاني المؤتلفة" لابن مالك من كتب علوم اللغة التي تحتوي على العديد من الألفاظ المختلفة المتعددة للكثير من المعاني والكلمات

أول الخلفاء الراشدين أبو بكر الصديق

by محمد رضا

قد كنت شديد الرغبة في تأليف سيرة رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم لنشرها على العالم الإسلامي فقضيت الأيام والليالي الطوال في الإطلاع والبحث في كتب السير فجمعت شتاتها وشرحت الغامض منها وحققت الروايات وأثبت تواريخ الوقائع ورددت على الاعتراضات والترهات ردوداً مدعَّمة بالبراهين الساطعة والحجج القاطعة، فجاء الكتاب وافياً بغرضي من حيث إيصال المعلومات الصحيحة إلى العالم الإسلامي.  ولما فرغ طبعه، تلقاه الناس بالقبول والاستسحان وأقبلوا على مطالعته بشوق وشغف، ونال بحمد اللّه وفضله رضا العامة والخاصة وتواردت عليّ رسائل التفريط والتشجيع من الكبراء والعلماء والأدباء حتى عجزت عن شكرهم على ثقتهم بشخصي العاجز الضعيف، وشعرت بقوة تدفعني إلى مواصلة البحث والتأليف بالرغم من كثرة المشاغل الدنيوية.  وقد سألني كثير من الأصدقاء الأعزاء أن أتبع سيرة رسول اللّه بسير الخلفاء بنفس الطريقة التي انتهجتها فسرتني فكرتهم ولم يسعني إلا إجابة طلبهم واستخرت اللّه تعالى أن أكتب سيرة أبي بكر الصديق رضي اللّه عنه فإنه أول الخلفاء الذين أمرنا رسول اللّه بالاقتداء بهم والاهتداء بهديهم. لما توفي النبي صلى اللّه عليه وسلم ارتجت العرب واختلف المسلمون ولا سيما الأنصار والمهاجرون في الخلافة فتدارك الأمر أبو بكر بحكمته وسرعة بديهته وتمت له البيعة بالإجماع.  وقد برهن رضي اللّه عنه أنه أكفأ رجل وأنه رجل الساعة وقتئذ لأن العرب عندما سمعوا بوفاة رسول اللّه ارتد كثير منهم واستفحل أمر المرتدين في جزيرة العرب، وظهر المتنبئون وجمعوا جيوشهم وثاروا على المسلمين.

البلغة في الفرق بين المذكر والمؤنث

by أبو البركات الأنباري

يذكر أبو بركات الأنباري في هذا الكتاب الفرق بين المذكر والمؤنث في الكثير من الأسماء وللمؤنث والمذكر السماعيين، النصيب الأوفر من الكتاب، لأنه الباب الذي يحدث فيه الخلط والاضطراب

تحرير التحبير في صناعة الشعر والنثر

by ابن أبي الأصبع

يعد هذا الكتاب من أجل ما ألف في فن البديع، والصناعة الأدبية. ضمنه المؤلف الكثير من شعره

اللطائف في اللغة معجم أسماء الأشياء

by أحمد بن مصطفى الدمشقي

كتاب "اللطائف في اللغة معجم اسماء الاشياء" لاحمد بن مصطفى الدمشقي يحمل العديد من مرادفات الاسماء و الاشياء المتعددة التي تتميز بها اللغة العربية

النظرية اللسانية عند ابن حزم الأندلسي

by د. نعمان بوقرة- الجزائر

دراسة تسليط الضوء على الجهود اللسانيه التى توضح كيفية التعامل مع الخطاب القرا نى وتهدف الى تكوين فكره مجمله عن الاراء النظريه والتطبيقيه البارزه التى حفلت بها مؤلفات ابن حزم فى اللغه والنحو والبلاغه والمنطق واعادة ترتيبها وفق تنظيم معين يجعل منها نسقا متكاملا وبنيه منسجمه

思辩 纵横 Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate

by ShuPei Wang Yina Ma Patterson Lin Guo

Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate provides lesson plans for holding high-level debates in the classroom. The lesson plans in this textbook were created based on the standards of the Oral Proficiency Interview held by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. These lesson plans train students in advanced language tasks such as giving thorough descriptions and narrations, comparing abstract concepts, and establishing hypotheses. The lesson plans in this textbook will train students in dialectical thinking and give them opportunities to improve their ability to summarize, make inductions, and contrast hypotheses. The debate topics of each lesson plan emphasize areas that are familiar to the lives and interests of Western students while still allowing them to engage with differences between Chinese and Western culture. The lesson plans address a wide range of topics, such as employment, financial management, psychoactive drugs, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, every lesson plan includes material to help students practice listening and contains lesson-specific vocabulary, discussion questions, debate prompts, debate tactics, and grammar practices. Accompanying e-resources are available at This book is suitable for students who have acquired high levels of proficiency in Chinese or who have taken at least three years of college level study of Chinese as their second language. Teachers will also be able to use the structure of the lesson plans in this textbook to assist them as they design assessments for their students.

传承中文 Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners: Stories about Us

by Yan Liu Jingjing Ji Grace Wu Min-Min Liang

Modern Chinese for Heritage Beginners aims to serve as a stepping-stone for Chinese heritage language learners’ future Chinese learning, inspiring them to reflect on their identities, learn Chinese American history, and embrace their cultural heritage. The book starts with talking about individuals and families and then expands to the Chinese and Asian American communities in the U.S. and eventually to the entire American society, all from the unique perspective of Chinese American students. Taking a macro approach that builds learners’ literacy skills on their initial abilities in speaking and listening, each lesson starts with listening and speaking activities and then moves to reading and writing. The content complexity and language difficulty are balanced to present rich content that matches students’ critical thinking abilities in a language appropriate for their literacy level. Lively and humorous language makes the book a joy to read. Each lesson has a conversation and an essay to expose students to informal and formal registers. Moreover, authentic tasks are designed to facilitate students’ language output, following the three modes of communication promoted by the American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This theme-based Chinese textbook is written for high school and college-level Chinese heritage language learners.

社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume II

by Yi Ning Jing Fang Wei Shao Zhengrong Yang Esther Tyldesley

Social Perspective is a course set over one academic year for intermediate learners of Chinese. In two volumes, it focuses on developing learners’ language competency to a high advanced plus/advanced level (ACTFL/CEFR B2-C1) through exploring social issues in contemporary China. The textbook draws upon the discussion of a wide range of current social issues in China to provide students with a real-life background to increase their debating and written skills. Volume II explores six topics: demographic issues, ‘love’ and ‘sex’, technology, medical care, the economy and education. The textbook is written in fluent, accurate and high-quality Chinese language which is conveniently broken down to highlight all the important language elements (expressions, vocabulary, phrases and grammar). This course will equip students with language production capability at an advanced level and prepare students for the transition from academic study to employment. Each lesson includes a wide range of language drills and exercises designed to quickly improve learners’ oral expression and conceptual understanding through group discussions, essays, presentations, bidirectional translation and critical reflection. Online resources such as lesson text audio, videos, independent learning resources and supplementary reading material are also included at [URL]. Written by a team of highly experienced teachers, Social Perspective is the ideal course to progress intermediate students to an advanced level. Academics and researchers with an interest in Chinese contemporary social issues will also find this a useful tool for further language study.

社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume I

by Yi Ning Wei Shao Zhengrong Yang Esther Tyldesley

社会视角 Social Perspective is a course set over one academic year for intermediate learners of Chinese. In two volumes, it focuses on developing learners’ language competency to a high advanced plus/advanced level (ACTFL/CEFR B2-C1) through exploring social issues in contemporary China. The textbook draws upon the discussion of a wide range of current social issues in China to provide students with a real-life background to increase their debating and written skills. Volume I explores five topics: gender equality, e-commerce, Internet culture, food and health, and environmental protection. The textbook is written in fluent, accurate and high-quality Chinese language which is conveniently broken down to highlight all the important language elements (expressions, vocabulary, phrases and grammar). This course will equip students with language production capability at an advanced level and prepare students for the transition from academic study to employment. Each lesson includes a wide range of language drills and exercises designed to quickly improve learners’ oral expression and conceptual understanding through group discussions, essays, presentations, bidirectional translation and critical reflection. Online resources such as audio recordings, dictation exercises and supplementary reading material are also included. Written by a team of highly experienced teachers, 社会视角 Social Perspective is the ideal course to progress intermediate students to an advanced level. Academics and researchers with an interest in Chinese contemporary social issues will also find this a useful tool for further language study.

0601 Vasant 6th Standard - Himachal Pradesh Board

by Himachal Pradesh School Shiksha Board

This book is the basic text book of subject Hindi prescribed by the himachal pradesh board for the students of class six. The accessible version of the book doesn't leave any part of the book. Students and aspiring civil servants must read this to get success in the state and national level examinations.

1, 2, 3, What Do You See? English-Spanish Bilingual

by Rockridge Press

Teach toddlers to count from 1 to 20 in English and Spanish! Watch your little one learn to count in two languages with this photo-filled book of happy puppies, juicy berries, and bouncy balls! Each page reveals a new number and a new collection of bright and colorful objects, making it easy for toddlers to start counting in English and Spanish. Fundamental skills—Prep your toddler for preschool as they practice identifying simple objects and counting from 1 to 20. Education in two languages—Build the foundation for a lifetime of bilingual learning by introducing your child to key vocabulary at an early age. Make learning fun—Bring learning to life for your child with vibrant illustrations and familiar words and items. Give your little learner a head start with this colorful counting book for toddlers.

10 Languages You'll Need Most in the Classroom: A Guide to Communicating with English Language Learners and Their Families

by Garth Sundem Kristi Pikiewicz Jan Krieger

Break through language barriers and put ELL students at ease in your classroom!More than ever before, K-12 educators in today's classrooms teach students from diverse language backgrounds. This handy reference guide to the ten most common languages of students who do not speak English-Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Tagalog, Haitian Creole, Navajo, Hmong, Cantonese, and Korean-offers practical guidance for communicating with ELL students and their families. With a chapter dedicated to each language, this book provides a wealth of resources to help you make meaningful connections with ELL students, including: Information about the traditions, religions, and celebrations of the family's country of origin Guides to common words and phrases in the student's native language Picture dictionaries that can be reproduced for use with students Sample parent letters that include both English and native language translations Basic reading tests in ten languagesLanguage can be an intimidating barrier to many students and teachers alike. Don't let it stand in the way of success. Help ensure that English Language Learners successfully transition into the school community and participate fully in the classroom learning environment!

マルタ語の動詞(100個の活用させた動詞): 100個の動詞の活用させ方 (Trilogía Arcángel Ser. #Vol. 1)

by エディトーリアルカリブダス


100 First Animal Words for Toddlers English-Spanish Bilingual (100 First Words)

by Jayme Yannuzzi MA

Help toddlers develop their English and Spanish skills The wide and wonderful world of animals offers a fun way to get kids talking in English and Spanish. Taking them from "alligator/el caimán" to "zebra/la cebra," this inspiring book builds kids' bilingual vocabularies through 100 unique creatures with fun and varied names. What sets this bilingual 100 first words book apart: Focused learning—Each page features just two animals with their names in English and Spanish, ensuring kids don't get overwhelmed. Realistic illustrations—Toddlers will be fascinated by the big and colorful illustrations that represent each animal accurately. Teaching tips—Discover advice for introducing animal names and helping kids stay engaged as they practice identifying animals. Introduce little ones to an entire zoo of cool and cute creatures—in both English and Spanish.

100 First Words for Toddlers: 유아 첫 100 마디: 영어-한국어 이중언어 (100 First Words)

by Jayme Yannuzzi MA

Help little ones ages 1 to 3 start learning English and Korean words Make it fun for toddlers to learn all kinds of new words in both English and Korean. Taking them from "airplane" and "비행기" to "window" and "창문" this book allows children to build their understanding of both languages and discover new ways to communicate and express themselves. This educational Korean book features: 100 first words—Grow your toddler's vocabulary with everyday words presented in English and Korean, plus phonetic pronunciations for the Korean words. Adorable artwork—Engage young readers and help them better understand each word's meaning with large, colorful images. Teaching tips—Make learning even more effective with easy tips (in both languages) for getting toddlers to remember each word. Start your little one learning their second language early with this standout among Korean children's books. 1~3세 유아가 영어/한국어 단어를 배우기 시작하도록 도와줍니다 영어와 한국어의 온갖 새로운 단어를 재미있게 배울 수 있습니다. "Airplane/비행기"부터 "window/창문"까지 이 책을 통해 아이는 두 언어를 모두 이해하는 능력을 기르고 새로운 방법으로 의사소통과 자기표현을 할 수 있게 됩니다. 본 한국어 교재에 담긴 내용: 첫 100 단어—일상 단어를 유아가 영어와 한국어로 동시에 꾸준히 배우도록 돕고 음성표기법에 따른 한글 발음도 제공되어 있습니다. 귀여운 삽화—어린 독자의 관심을 끄는 크고 다양한 색상의 그림이 곁들여져 각 단어의 의미를 더 잘 이해하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 학습지도 팁—유아가 단어를 잘 기억하도록 (두 언어로 제공되는) 쉬운 단서들을 활용하면 보다 효과적으로 배울 수 있습니다. 어린이용 한국어 학습 교재 중에서도 단연 돋보이는 이 책으로 자녀의 2차 언어 습득을 일찍 시작해보세요.

100 First Words for Toddlers: A French Book for Kids (100 First Words)

by Jayme Yannuzzi MA

Help little ones ages 0 to 3 expand their English and French language skills Make it fun for toddlers to learn all kinds of new words in both English and French. Taking them from "airplane" and "l'avion" to "window" and "la fenêtre," this standout among French books for kids allows them to build their understanding of both languages and discover new ways to communicate and express themselves. 100 first words—Grow your toddler's vocabulary with a variety of everyday words, each presented in both English and French. Adorable artwork—Engage young readers and help them better understand each word's meaning with large, colorful images. Teaching tips—Make learning even more effective with easy tips (in both languages) for getting toddlers to remember each word. Aidez vos tout-petits de 0 à 3 ans à développer leurs compétences linguistiques en anglais et en Français Égayer l'apprentissage de toute une gamme de nouveaux mots en anglais et en français pour les tout-petits. En les accompagnant de « airplane » et « l'avion » jusqu'à « window » et « la fenêtre », ce livre permet aux enfants d'approfondir leurs connaissances des deux langues et de découvrir de nouvelles façons de communiquer et de s'exprimer. 100 premiers mots—Enrichir le vocabulaire de votre tout-petit avec une grande variété de mots de tous les jours, tous présentés en anglais et en français. Belles illustrations—Captiver les jeunes lecteurs et aidez-les à mieux comprendre le sens de chaque mot grâce à de grandes images en couleurs. Astuces d'enseignants—Rendre l'apprentissage encore plus efficace avec des astuces simples (fournies dans les deux langues) pour aider les tout-petits à retenir chaque mot.

100 First Words for Toddlers: 幼児の初めての言葉 100 (100 First Words)

by Jayme Yannuzzi MA

Help little ones ages 1 to 3 start learning English and Japanese words Make it fun for toddlers to learn all kinds of new words in both English and Japanese. Taking them from "airplane" and "ひこうき/hikōki" to "window" and "まど/mado," this book allows children to build their understanding of both languages and discover new ways to communicate and express themselves. This educational Japanese book features: 100 first words—Grow your toddler's vocabulary with everyday words presented in English and Japanese, plus phonetic pronunciations for the Japanese words. Adorable artwork—Engage young readers and help them better understand each word's meaning with large, colorful images. Teaching tips—Make learning even more effective with easy tips (in both languages) for getting toddlers to remember each word. Start your little one learning their second language early with this standout among Japanese children's books. 1歳から3歳児に英語と日本語で言葉を学び始めさせてあげましょう。 幼児が英語と日本語の二か国語で多様な新しい言葉を学ぶ過程を楽しいものにしてあげましょう。「ひこうき」と「エアプレイン/airplane」から、「まど」と「ウィンドウ/window」と、本書を使って幼児の二か国語同時習得の土台を作り、コミュニケーションと自己表現の新しい方法を発見させてあげてください。 この日本語教育書の特長は: はじめの100語 — 日常使われる言葉を英語と日本語(発音ガイド付き)で表示してありますので、それを通して幼児の語彙を広げられます。 かわいいイラスト — 幼児に読むことに興味をもたせ、大きいカラーイラストで言葉の一語一語の意味認識をより豊かなものにできます。 教え方ヒント — 二か国語で書かれた簡単な教え方ヒントを使って幼児に一語一語を効率よく記憶させてあげられます。 一般の幼児向け日本語書籍とは異彩の本書を使い、お子さんの早期第二言語習得を始めてみてください。

100 Hieroglyphs: Think Like an Egyptian

by Barry Kemp

&“Written by the greatest living Egyptologist, this wonderful, fun, and short book will take you inside the heads of the ancient Egyptians.&”—Sarah Parcak, National Geographic Egyptian culture is divided from us by several millennia, a lost people and a dead language. We can discover much about this fascinating civilization from its physical remains, but perhaps the greatest insights into the Egyptian mind come from Egyptian hieroglyphs. They reveal the priorities, concerns and beliefs of the Egyptians—a whole worldview. Unlike the Western alphabet, which is an arbitrary set of symbols not anchored in reality, each Egyptian hieroglyph denotes a concept central to Egyptian thinking. The language and its written form are intimately bound up with the imaginative world of the Egyptians. Here, Barry Kemp presents 100 of the Egyptian hieroglyphs to provide access to this unique culture. Kemp takes us on a journey through the Egyptian mind, revealing not only aspects of day-to-day life in Ancient Egypt, but gradually building a picture of the historical and mythological references that were the cornerstones of Egyptian thought. This fascinating book helps us get inside a long-vanished world. &“A capsule key to the ancient Egyptian mind.&”—Dr. Norman Hammond, The Times &“Kemp uses 100 hieroglyphs as a springboard for discussion of a range of topics . . . This clever premise works well . . . [an] enjoyable and informative volume.&”—Times Higher Education Supplement &“This is most certainly a book that will challenge and reward.&”—New World

1001 Easy French Phrases (Dover Language Guides French)

by Heather Mccoy

The perfect companion for tourists and business travelers in France and other places where the French language is spoken, this book offers fast, effective communication. More than 1,000 basic words, phrases, and sentences cover everything from asking directions and renting a car to ordering dinner and finding a bank.Designed as a quick reference tool and an easy study guide, this inexpensive and easy-to-use book offers completely up-to-date terms for modern telecommunications, idioms, and slang. The contents are arranged for quick access to phrases related to greetings, transportation, shopping, services, medical and emergency situations, and other essential items. A handy phonetic pronunciation guide accompanies each phrase.

1001 Easy German Phrases

by Prof. M. Charlotte Wolf

The perfect companion for tourists and business travelers in Germany and other places where the German language is spoken, this book offers fast, effective communication. More than 1,000 basic words, phrases, and sentences cover everything from asking directions and renting a car to ordering dinner and finding a bank.Designed as a quick reference tool and an easy study guide, this inexpensive and easy-to-use book offers completely up-to-date terms for modern telecommunications, idioms, and slang. The contents are arranged for speedy access to phrases related to greetings, transportation, shopping, services, medical and emergency situations, and other essential items. A handy phonetic pronunciation guide accompanies each phrase.

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