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360°-Videos in der empirischen Sozialforschung: Ein interdisziplinärer Überblick zum Einsatz von 360°-Videos in Forschung und Lehre

by Julian Windscheid Bernadette Gold

Mit dem vorliegenden Buch wird der Versuch unternommen, eine interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema 360°-Videos in Forschung und Lehre aus Sicht verschiedener sozialwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen anzuregen. Es bietet Informationen zur Erstellung von 360°-Videos, zu deren Einsatz in Forschung und Lehre sowie beispielhafte Lehr-Lern-Szenarien mit 360°-Videos in der Hochschuldidaktik. Die Videografie gilt in weiten Teilen der empirischen Sozialforschung als vielversprechendes Mittel der Datengewinnung und erfreut sich auch in der universitären Lehre zunehmender Beliebtheit. Die Anwendung von und der Umgang mit 360°-Videos ist in dieser Diskussion bislang jedoch erst ansatzweise thematisiert worden. Dabei kann diese Technologie einen immensen Fortschritt für die wissenschaftliche Forschung und Lehre bedeuten: Der Bildausschnitt kann frei gewählt werden und mittels einer VR-Brille können die Beobachtenden das Geschehen sogar „hautnah“ miterleben. Gleichzeitig stellen 360°-Videos Forschende und Lehrende vor neue Herausforderungen. Diese beginnen bereits bei der Produktion des Materials und resultieren in der Frage, wie diese Art von Video sinnvoll und nachvollziehbar wissenschaftlich verwendet werden kann.

3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Education 2022: Selected Contributions of STE 2022 (Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics)

by Lucas F. M. da Silva António J. M. Ferreira

This volume of the series Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics - Research, Technology and Education provides selected papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Education, held in Porto, Portugal, October 6-7, 2022. From the various topics covered at this conference, individual contributions have been selected for this book. These contributions focus on learning mechanisms, learning systems and assessment. The book presents the latest trends, new methods and ideas in science and technology education. An essential resource for lecturers and tutors working in this field.

The 4 Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-being, and Create a Sustainable Future

by Andrew Barnes

SHORTLISTED FOR THE BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2021In The 4 Day Week, entrepreneur and business innovator Andrew Barnes makes the case for the four-day week as the answer to many of the ills of the 21st-century global economy. Barnes conducted an experiment in his own business, the New Zealand trust company Perpetual Guardian, and asked his staff to design a four-day week that would permit them to meet their existing productivity requirements on the same salary but with a 20% cut in work hours. The outcomes of this trial, which no business leader had previously attempted on these terms, were stunning. People were happier and healthier, more engaged in their personal lives, and more focused and productive in the office. The world of work has seen a dramatic shift in recent times: the former security and benefits associated with permanent employment are being displaced by the less stable gig economy. Barnes explains the dangers of a focus on flexibility at the expense of hard-won worker protections, and argues that with the four-day week, we can have the best of all worlds: optimal productivity, work-life balance, worker benefits and, at long last, a solution to pervasive economic inequities such as the gender pay gap and lack of diversity in business and governance. The 4 Day Week is a practical, how-to guide for business leaders and employees alike that is applicable to nearly every industry. Using qualitative and quantitative data from research gathered through the Perpetual Guardian trial and other sources by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, the book presents a step-by-step approach to preparing businesses for productivity-focused flexibility, from the necessary cultural conditions to the often complex legislative considerations. The story of Perpetual Guardian's unprecedented work experiment has made headlines around the world and stormed social media, reaching a global audience in more than seventy countries. A mix of trenchant analysis, personal observation and actionable advice, The 4 Day Week is an essential guide for leaders and workers seeking to make a change for the better in their work world.

The 4 Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-being, and Create a Sustainable Future

by Andrew Barnes

SHORTLISTED FOR THE BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2021In The 4 Day Week, entrepreneur and business innovator Andrew Barnes makes the case for the four-day week as the answer to many of the ills of the 21st-century global economy. Barnes conducted an experiment in his own business, the New Zealand trust company Perpetual Guardian, and asked his staff to design a four-day week that would permit them to meet their existing productivity requirements on the same salary but with a 20% cut in work hours. The outcomes of this trial, which no business leader had previously attempted on these terms, were stunning. People were happier and healthier, more engaged in their personal lives, and more focused and productive in the office. The world of work has seen a dramatic shift in recent times: the former security and benefits associated with permanent employment are being displaced by the less stable gig economy. Barnes explains the dangers of a focus on flexibility at the expense of hard-won worker protections, and argues that with the four-day week, we can have the best of all worlds: optimal productivity, work-life balance, worker benefits and, at long last, a solution to pervasive economic inequities such as the gender pay gap and lack of diversity in business and governance. The 4 Day Week is a practical, how-to guide for business leaders and employees alike that is applicable to nearly every industry. Using qualitative and quantitative data from research gathered through the Perpetual Guardian trial and other sources by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, the book presents a step-by-step approach to preparing businesses for productivity-focused flexibility, from the necessary cultural conditions to the often complex legislative considerations. The story of Perpetual Guardian's unprecedented work experiment has made headlines around the world and stormed social media, reaching a global audience in more than seventy countries. A mix of trenchant analysis, personal observation and actionable advice, The 4 Day Week is an essential guide for leaders and workers seeking to make a change for the better in their work world.

The 4 Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-being, and Create a Sustainable Future

by Andrew Barnes

SHORTLISTED FOR THE BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2021In The 4 Day Week, entrepreneur and business innovator Andrew Barnes makes the case for the four-day work week as the answer to many of the ills of the 21st-century global economy. Barnes conducted an experiment in his own business, the New Zealand trust company Perpetual Guardian, and asked his staff to design a four-day week that would permit them to meet their existing productivity requirements on the same salary but with a 20% cut in work hours. The outcomes of this trial, which no business leader had previously attempted on these terms, were stunning. People were happier and healthier, more engaged in their personal lives, and more focused and productive in the office. The world of work has seen a dramatic shift in recent times: the former security and benefits associated with permanent employment are being displaced by the less stable gig economy. Barnes explains the dangers of a focus on flexibility at the expense of hard-won worker protections, and argues that with the four-day week, we can have the best of all worlds: optimal productivity, work-life balance, worker benefits and, at long last, a solution to pervasive economic inequities such as the gender pay gap and lack of diversity in business and governance. The 4 Day Week is a practical, how-to guide for business leaders and employees alike that is applicable to nearly every industry. Using qualitative and quantitative data from research gathered through the Perpetual Guardian trial and other sources by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, the book presents a step-by-step approach to preparing businesses for productivity-focused flexibility, from the necessary cultural conditions to the often complex legislative considerations. The story of Perpetual Guardian's unprecedented work experiment has made headlines around the world and stormed social media, reaching a global audience in more than seventy countries. A mix of trenchant analysis, personal observation and actionable advice, The 4 Day Week is an essential guide for leaders and workers seeking to make a change for the better in their work world.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich 

by Timothy Ferriss

What do you do? Tim Ferriss has trouble answering the question. Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: I race motorcycles in Europe; I ski in the Andes; I scuba dive in Panama; I dance tango in Buenos Aires. He has spent more than five years learning the secrets of the New Rich, a fast-growing subculture who has abandoned the deferred-life plan; and instead mastered the new currencies: time and mobility to create luxury lifestyles in the here and now. Whether you are an overworked employee or an entrepreneur trapped in your own business, this book is the compass for a new and revolutionary world. Join Tim Ferriss as he teaches you: How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want; How blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs; How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist; How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and freuent "mini-retirements"; What the crucial difference is between absolute and relative income; How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it's beyond repair; What automated cash-flow muses are and how to create one in 2 to 4 weeks; How to cultivate selective ignorance and create time with a low-information diet; What the management secrets of Remote Control CEOs are; How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50- 80% off; How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office. You can have it all really.

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation

by Timothy R. Clark

This book is the first practical, hands-on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety in their organizations, creating an environment where employees feel included, fully engaged, and encouraged to contribute their best efforts and ideas.Perhaps the leader's most challenging task is to increase intellectual friction while decreasing social friction. When this doesn't happen and it becomes emotionally expensive to say what you truly think and feel, that lack of psychological safety triggers the self-censoring instinct, shuts down learning, and blocks collaboration and creativity. Timothy R. Clark, a former CEO, Oxford-trained social scientist, and organizational consultant, provides a research-based framework to help leaders transform their organizations into sanctuaries of inclusion and incubators of innovation.When leaders cultivate psychological safety, teams and organizations progress through four successive stages. First, people feel included and accepted; then they feel safe to learn, contribute, and finally, challenge the status quo. Clark draws deeply on psychology, philosophy, social science, literature, and his own experiences to show how leaders can, and must, set the tone and model the ideal behaviors—as he says, "you either show the way or get in the way." This thoughtful and pragmatic guide demonstrates that if you banish fear, install true performance-based accountability, and create a nurturing environment that allows people to be vulnerable as they learn and grow, they will perform beyond your expectations.

40 Jahre Islamischer Religionsunterricht in Österreich: Islamische Bildung im europäischen Kontext (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung)

by Tamara Nili-Freudenschuß Ednan Aslan

Österreich war eines der ersten westeuropäischen Länder, das den Islam als Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts anerkannt hat. Diese historische Anerkennung geht zurück auf die lange, facettenreiche Geschichte des Islam in Österreich und erfüllte den Muslim*innen in Österreich einen lang gehegten Wunsch, welcher auch in vielen anderen europäischen Ländern besteht. Seit 40 Jahren ermöglicht diese Anerkennung den Muslim*innen, den Islam als ordentliches Unterrichtsfach an öffentlichen Schulen zu unterrichten. Die Erkenntnisse aus dieser langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich des islamischen Religionsunterrichts sind von großer Bedeutung für andere europäische Staaten, die sich ebenfalls um die Integration des islamischen Religionsunterrichts in das öffentliche Schulwesen bemühen. Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Überblick aus religionspädagogischer und -didaktischer, gesellschafts- und bildungspolitischer, rechtlicher und empirischer Perspektive. Er beleuchtet die 40-jährige Geschichte des islamischen Religionsunterrichts in Österreich und zeigt auf, welchen Beitrag religiöse Bildung zur Integration muslimischer Kinder in die Gesellschaft leisten kann.


by Michael Nelson Barbara A. Perry

Both history and current events attest to the continued significance of religion in society. Yet despite the role and importance of the institution of religion, and the profound influence that religious organizations continue to exert, religion occupies a curiously marginal place in organization theory. At the same time, organization theory has been criticized for its narrow focus on corporations, and there have been calls to study a much broader range of organizational forms (e. g. , Bamberger and Pratt, 2010). Interestingly, the small number of studies of religious organizations that have been published have had a disproportionate impact on the field. This suggests that religious organizations deserve more attention, and that attending to them will have significant benefits for our understanding of organizations. This volume brings together leading organizations theorists with an interest in religion to take stock of recent developments as well as introduce new ways of thinking about the relationship between religion and organization.

44 Chapters About 4 Men

by BB Easton

One woman's secret journal completely changes her marriage in this hilarious and biting memoir -- soon to be a Netflix Original Series.School psychologists aren't supposed to write books about sex. Doing so would be considered "unethical" and "a fireable offense." Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.44 Chapters About 4 Men is a laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest look at female sexuality, as told through the razor-sharp lens of domesticated bad girl BB Easton. No one and nothing is off limits as BB revisits the ex-boyfriends -- a sadistic tattoo artist, a punk rock parolee, and a heavy metal bass player -- that led her to finally find true love with a straight-laced, settling down and starting a family with her perfectly vanilla "husbot," Ken, BB finds herself longing for the reckless passion she had in her youth. She begins to write about these escapades in a secret journal, just for fun, but when Ken starts to act out the words on the pages, BB realizes that she might have stumbled upon the holy grail of behavior modification techniques. The psychological dance that ensues is nothing short of hilarious as BB wields her journal like a blowtorch, trying to light a fire under her cold, distant partner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end, BB learns that the man she was trying so hard to change was perfect for her all along.

45 Conversations About Behavioral Economics: An Interdisciplinary Discussion Crossing Business, Public Policy, Sociology, and Psychology

by Li Way Lee Aaron Keathley

The hallmark of this book is its conversational format. The conversations are organic: no jargons, no additives such as equations and tables. Each conversation comes in bite-size, taking no more than ten minutes to digest.

The 4G Mobile Revolution: Creation, Innovation and Transformation at EE

by Stuart Jackson Olaf Swantee

The 4G Mobile Revolution charts the extraordinary journey of innovation and change at EE, told by its former CEO, Olaf Swantee. This is the story of the highly successful transformation when Orange and T-Mobile merged to form a whole new organization, a whole new brand and a whole new mobile era with the introduction of the 4G network. This authoritative exploration of the telecommunications industry takes the reader through every crucial stage in EE's journey: from the crafting of the secret merger, to designing a visionary new brand identity and innovating at speed to provide superfast 4G. Change initiatives are notoriously difficult to navigate and very rarely are considered to be a success. However, transformation is omnipresent and inherent to business success in today's fast-moving climate. This book charts the ups and downs of change and pulls out insightful key principles for navigating the storm of transformation in any industry. Successful business revolution requires inspirational leadership, a motivating purpose for your people, a keen sense of brand identity, a culture of innovation, a willingness to break the status quo and a truly collaborative team. Olaf Swantee and Stuart Jackson explore these crucial and exciting themes as they recount EE's journey from merger, to 4G innovation, to the company's takeover by BT for an estimated value of 12.5 billion pounds. This is an inside look into the practices of one of today's most inspirational leaders and is essential reading for any executive grappling with change.

5,203 Things to Do Instead of Looking at Your Phone

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Because life is calling. Put down your phone, close the lid on your laptop, and get back in touch with the wonders of the world around you. With thousands of ideas for simple, beautiful things to do instead of scrolling down the rabbit hole of cyberspace, this healing little book offers the opportunity, 5,203 times, to slow down, look up, and rediscover what makes you feel nourished and grounded as a human being. With illustrations throughout by Scot Ritchie.

The 5 Disciplines of Inclusive Leaders: Unleashing the Power of All of Us

by Andrés T Tapia Alina Polonskaia

Diversity initiatives are falling short. This book shows leaders how to develop the skills needed to build sustainably inclusive organizations using a tested, research-based model developed by the global organizational consulting firm Korn Ferry. According to the journal Human Resource Management, companies are spending over $8 billion a year on diversity programs. Yet today, the senior leadership teams at Fortune 500 companies are far from mirroring the diversity of its workforce and its customers. Andrés Tapia and Alina Polonskaia, senior leaders at Korn Ferry, argue that to build sustainable diversity and inclusion, organizations need to have inclusive leaders at all levels.In this book, Tapia and Polonskaia draw on Korn Ferry's massive database of 3 million leadership assessments to reveal the essential qualities of inclusive leaders. They discuss the personality traits these leaders share and detail how to develop what they call the five disciplines of inclusive leadership: building interpersonal trust, integrating diverse perspectives, optimizing talent, applying an adaptive mindset, and achieving transformation. Tapia and Polonskaia also outline the competencies behind each discipline, describe individual and organizational exemplars of inclusive leadership, and show how the five disciplines enable leaders to unleash the power of all people and to build both structurally and behaviorally inclusive organizations. This book will help leaders foster the skills to deal with today's complex challenges and create a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future for all of us.

The 5 Disciplines of Inclusive Organizations: How Diverse and Equitable Enterprises Will Transform the World

by Andrés T. Tapia Fayruz Kirtzman

This book offers a new model for creating inclusive organizations and illuminates the vital role that diversity plays in developing solutions to the critical social, environmental, and leadership challenges we face. While many companies are focusing on DEI efforts, what we need is to take inclusion to the next level. Our massive social, economic, and environmental challenges can only be solved only when organizations and institutions embrace complete inclusion. This book gives organizations practical steps for increasing diversity to enhance their capacity to solve global challenges.Andrs T. Tapia and Fayruz Kirtzman, senior client partners at international consulting powerhouse Korn Ferry, draw on Korn Ferry'sthe company's extensive research to outline 5 disciplines of inclusive organizations. These are the ability to: Managing the risk Exploring the awareness Maximizing the talent systems Mastering the logistics Seeing the marketplaceBased on metrics and proven solutions, this book provides usable strategies to build inclusive organizations. It reveals how such organizations can generate greater innovation, drive business results, and optimize talent, along with working towards greater social and environmental justice.

The 50/50 Solution: The Surprisingly Simple Choice that Makes Moms, Dads, and Kids Happier and Healthier after a Split

by Emma Johnson

There is one proven method for happier kids, more involved dads, and less stressed-out moms after divorce—50/50 custodyIt's hard for everyone when parents split up—but the end of living together doesn't need to mean the end of a functional family. Part of the reason divorces are so traumatic for the kids involved is because of our child custody system, which truly sets everyone up for failure. Throughout the country, the default arrangement is for Mom to get majority time with the kids (and most of the responsibility of caring for them), for Dad to become an occasional visitor (and perhaps saddled with massive child support payments), and for the kids to lose the stability, structure and confidence of knowing they have two equally committed, loving parents. But it doesn't have to be this way!In The 50/50 Solution, creator of the Wealthy Single Mommy community Emma Johnson showcases the robust research proving that, in the vast majority of cases, equal timesharing is the best outcome for everyone in a family where the adults no longer live together. The 50/50 Solution will show you that equal parenting time leads to:Better physical, emotional, and mental health for children of divorceHigher career earnings for single mothersFathers who are more engaged and whose rights as parents are preservedFar less parental and legal conflictA progressive, forward-thinking cultural norm that promotes gender and racial equality for all families, regardless of their configurationA few states have already adopted 50/50 custody as the default arrangement, and several more are poised to follow. Equal parenting time is the custody framework of the future, and The 50/50 Solution shows readers how it helps our families and communities thrive.

50 Keywords Wirtschaftssoziologie

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Von Arbeit über Industriesoziologie bis zu Zukunftskompetenzen: Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Wirtschaftssoziologie sind zahlreich und häufig zum Thema Europa zeichnen sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 50 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden unter anderem grundlegende Konzepte, Theorien und Teilaspekte der Wirtschaftssoziologie erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert. Sie bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True

by Guy P. Harrison

Stressing the excitement of scientific discovery and the legitimate mysteries and wonder inherent in reality, this book invites readers to share the joys of rational thinking and the skeptical approach to evaluating our extraordinary world. Maybe you know someone who swears by the reliability of psychics or who is in regular contact with angels. Or perhaps you're trying to find a nice way of dissuading someone from wasting money on a homeopathy cure. Or you met someone at a party who insisted the Holocaust never happened or that no one ever walked on the moon. How do you find a gently persuasive way of steering people away from unfounded beliefs, bogus cures, conspiracy theories, and the like? This down-to-earth, entertaining exploration of commonly held extraordinary claims will help you set the record straight. This veteran journalist has not only surveyed a vast body of literature, but has also interviewed leading scientists, explored "the most haunted house in America," frolicked in the inviting waters of the Bermuda Triangle, and even talked to a "contrite Roswell alien." It is not out simply to debunk unfounded beliefs. Wherever possible, he presents alternative scientific explanations, which in most cases are even more fascinating than the wildest speculation. For example, stories about UFOs and alien abductions lack good evidence, but science gives us plenty of reasons to keep exploring outer space for evidence that life exists elsewhere in the vast universe. The proof for Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster may be nonexistent, but scientists are regularly discovering new species, some of which are truly stranger than fiction.

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress (Personal Health Guides)

by Wendy Green

In this reassuring and easy-to-follow book, find out 50 things you can do to help you manage stress, such as identifying your stress triggers and learning how to manage them, choosing beneficial foods and supplements, and reducing stress through aromatherapy and therapeutic massage.

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress (Personal Health Guides)

by Wendy Green

In this reassuring and easy-to-follow book, find out 50 things you can do to help you manage stress, such as identifying your stress triggers and learning how to manage them, choosing beneficial foods and supplements, and reducing stress through aromatherapy and therapeutic massage.

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress at Work (Personal Health Guides)

by Cary Cooper Howard Kahn

In this easy-to-follow book, Professor Cary Cooper and Dr Howard Kahn guide you through the steps you can take to manage and control stress in the workplace. This book helps you to understand what stress is and identify how and why it occurs at work, and offers practical advice to help you make positive changes.

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress at Work (Personal Health Guides)

by Cary Cooper Howard Kahn

In this easy-to-follow book, Professor Cary Cooper and Dr Howard Kahn guide you through the steps you can take to manage and control stress in the workplace. This book helps you to understand what stress is and identify how and why it occurs at work, and offers practical advice to help you make positive changes.

50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement: A Complete Toolkit for Improving Motivation and Productivity

by Debbie Mitchell

Engaged employees are more productive, motivated and resilient, yet gaining financial support to develop engagement is harder than ever as budgets are being squeezed and everyone is being asked to do more with less. 50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement shows that you don't need expensive interventions or additional resource to achieve employee engagement. It contains practical tools which can be used to make an immediate difference to engagement, whether you're working with individuals, teams or the organization as a whole. Each tool in 50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement includes guidance on when to use it, how long it will take and useful hints and tips to help get the most out of it. Most importantly, this book will give guidance on how to measure the impact of each tool to show what's working and where efforts are best focused. Addressing all the key areas of engagement throughout the employee life cycle, from talent attraction and induction to career progression and development, this book is a complete resource to engaging your workforce.

50 Top Tools for Employee Wellbeing: A Complete Toolkit for Developing Happy, Healthy, Productive and Engaged Employees

by Debbie Mitchell

In a world of political and economic uncertainty where stress and unhappiness are on the rise, improving employee wellbeing has never been more important. But with budgets being squeezed and the constant need to do more with less, this can seem like an insurmountable task. 50 Top Tools for Employee Wellbeing shows that interventions don't need to be expensive or time-consuming. It contains practical tools for immediately improving staff wellbeing, resulting in happier, more engaged and more productive employees. Each tool in the book includes guidance on when to use it, how to get the most out of it and - most importantly - how to measure its impact to show what's working and where efforts are best focused. Addressing all the key areas of the subject, from career development and workplace culture to physical, mental and financial wellbeing, this is a complete resource for improving your workforce's wellbeing.

A $500 House in Detroit: Rebuilding an Abandoned Home and an American City

by Drew Philp

Drew Philp, an idealistic college student from a working-class Michigan family, withdraws from the comforts of life on a university campus in search of a place to live where he can make a difference. He sets his sights on Detroit, the failed metropolis of abandoned buildings, widespread poverty, and rampant crime—a complicated source of national fascination, often stereotyped and little understood. Arriving with no job, no friends, and no money, Philp is naïvely determined to fix the huge, broken city with his own hands and on his own terms. A year later, he saves up and buys a ramshackle house for five hundred dollars in the east side neighborhood known as Poletown and moves in. Philp gets what he pays for. The roomy Queen Anne he now owns has been abandoned for a decade and is little more than a clapboard shell on a crumbling brick foundation, filled with heaping piles of trash (including most of a chopped-up minivan), and missing windows, heat, water, electricity, and a functional roof. The landscape of the surrounding neighborhood resembles an urban prairie: overgrown fields dotted with houses that haven’t been demolished or burned to the ground—some of them well-maintained by Detroiters who have chosen to remain in the city, but many, like the Queen Anne, left vacant and in complete disrepair. Based on a BuzzFeed essay that resonated with millions of readers, A $500 House in Detroit is Philp’s raw and earnest account of rebuilding everything but the frame of his house, nail by nail and room by room. It’s also the story of a young man finding his footing in the city, the country, and his own generation. As he assimilates into the community of Detroiters around him, Philp guides readers through the city’s vibrant history and engages in urgent conversations about gentrification, racial tensions, and class warfare. We witness his concept of Detroit shift, expand, and evolve as his plan to save the city gives way to a life forged from political meaning, personal connection, and collective purpose. Part social history, part brash generational statement, part comeback story, A $500 House in Detroit is an intimate account of the tentative revival of an American city—home by home and person by person—and a glimpse at a new way forward for generations to come.

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