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by Zachary Watts Bernard Levine

''トンで楽しむ ''それはあなたの笑いや最も可能性の高い笑顔を作ることができる本を伝える楽しいです。 「人生の中で荒い時を過ごしている時、私たちは笑い声で私たちをより良く感じさせるために人生で特別な笑いをするからです。 友人や家族が "トンで楽しむ"を読んで気分を良くするのではなく、自分を幸せにしたり、そのひとりを喜ばせたりしてください。

Розовая куколка

by Надежда Терлецкая Cristiana Pivari

Девушка в поисках своего личного счастья. Что такое жизнь? Спасение от себя самой, отвечает Сильвия, тридцать пять более, чем красивая, девушка, которая не чувствует себя не женщиной ни девочкой, писатель или, возможно, писака, куколка, которая возможно, в один прекрасный день, станет бабочкой, но в свое время и в ее порядке. Добьется успеха? Не обязательно, может быть, не так важен, конечный результат, но поиск себя, который ведет Сильвию к подругам и возможным мужчинам ее жизни между границами гротеска и вилянием ее волосатой собаки, заполняет книгу жизненной сутью она незаменима. Итальянская Бриджет Джонс? Только частично, даже если есть личные мании, слабости и причуды жизни, и хорошая доза сарказма в их наблюдении. Более чем Бриджит, Сильвия представляет сегодняшних вечных девушек, придает глубину их мыслям, показывает их тревоги и цели. В конце концов, можно остаться куколкой на всю жизнь, если нет уверенности превратиться в особенную бабочку.

Ο Χορός Του Σχολείου

by Starbuck O'Dwyer

‘Ο Χορός του Σχολείου’, είναι μια συλλογή από ιστορίες και γεγονότα, που έμειναν για πάντα χαραγμένα μέσα μου, για την αγωνία αλλά και τον ενθουσιασμό που νιώθουν όλοι οι έφηβοι – μαθητές γυμνασίου και λυκείου, ιστορίες που σίγουρα θα σας κάνουν να γελάσετε πολύ και να θυμηθείτε παρόμοιες δικές σας. Συνέχεια του πρώτου βιβλίου ‘Πως να μεγαλώσετε Σωστά Ένα Καλό Παιδί’, το βιβλίο αυτό, είναι πρώτο στη λίστα πωλήσεων του Amazon US στις κατηγορίες χιούμορ, γονείς και σχέσεις. Καλωσήρθατε στον Χορό του Σχολείου. Χαίρομαι πολύ που είστε εδώ και μπορώ να μοιραστώ την εφηβική μου ηλικία μαζί σας.

Η τρελή ακαδημία των πειρατών: Escrito Por El General Jose Maria Perez Hernandez...

by A. P. Hernández

Θέλεις να γίνεις πειρατής; Μη χάσεις τις διασκεδαστικές περιπέτειες της Πρώτης και Μοναδικής Μεγάλης Ακαδημίας των Πειρατών. Γνώρισε τον Ούγκο, τον Ρουμπέν, την Ελένα, τον Χερμάν, τον Ιβάν... και πολλούς ακόμα φίλους! Ανακάλυψε τις τρελές ιδέες του Κασιμίρο, του Πειρατή Δασκάλου! Δεν είναι εύκολο να βρεις μια ακαδημία σαν αυτή, όμως σήμερα είναι η τυχερή σου μέρα. Εδώ θα μάθεις τις βασικές αρχές του πειρατή, τις πειρατικές εντολές, πώς να βρεις θησαυρούς και, σαν να μην έφταναν όλα αυτά, θα επισκεφτείς το Νησί του Κάβουρα. Καλωσήρθες στο καράβι, πειρατή!

Το τέρας και ούτε μία όμορφη

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Συναρπαστική, όχι χωρίς χιούμορ, μία ιστορία για τις περιπέτειες του κοριτσιού Αρίνας στον μαγικό κόσμο. Το επιχειρηματικό κορίτσι και η μία νεράιδα ανοίγουν ένα πρακτορείο γάμου, για να σπάσουν την κατάρα του μαγεμένου πρίγκιπα.

Τα παιδιά λατρεύουν να λένε ανέκδοτα

by Bernard Levine Georgia Gkegka

Μία συλλογή με αστεία ανέκδοτα που μου άρεσαν όταν ήμουν στο σχολείο. Στα παιδιά αρέσει πολύ να γελούν. Θα διασκεδάζουν πολύ λέγοντας στους φίλους τους αυτά τα ανέκδοτα ξανά και ξανά. Με αυτό το διασκεδαστικό βιβλίο τα παιδιά θα περάσουν ώρες γεμάτες χαρά και ευχαρίστηση.

Πως να Μεγαλώσετε Σωστά Ένα Καλό Παιδί

by Starbuck O'Dwyer

Το βιβλίο ‘Πως να μεγαλώσετε Σωστά ένα Καλό Παιδί’ δεν είναι από τα κλασικά συμβατικά βιβλία αυτοβοήθειας, αλλά μια συλλογή από 23 χιουμοριστικές, ειλικρινείς και εγκάρδιες ιστορίες για τις προκλήσεις και τις χαρές που αντιμετωπίζει κάποιος όταν μεγαλώνει παιδιά, και για την ευτυχία που νιώθουν και οι γονείς και τα παιδιά σε μια οικογένεια. Εξερευνά θέματα όπως η ειλικρίνεια, η αφοσίωση, το κουράγιο, η σκληρή δουλειά, η αποφασιστικότητα και η αγάπη. Το βιβλίο αυτό θα σας κάνει να γελάσετε μέχρι δακρύων με ιστορίες αυθεντικές, για την σπουδαιότητα του χαρακτήρα και της εντιμότητας. Eίναι διασκεδαστικό αλλά με βαθιά νοήματα, ένα από τα καλύτερα βιβλία για όλους τους γονείς και όσους μεγαλώνουν παιδιά ή και για όσα ‘μεγάλα’ παιδιά θελήσουν να το διαβάσουν.

Ημερολόγιο Ενός Σχεδόν Κουλ Κοριτσιού – Βιβλίο 2

by Bill Campbell Αννα Βαντη

Ημερολόγιο Ενός Σχεδόν Κουλ Κοριτσιού – Βιβλίο 2 Μια αστεία ιστορία για ένα δωδεκάχρονο κορίτσι που περνά απίστευτες και αμήχανες καταστάσεις.Καινούριο σχολείο…καινούρια αρχή. Δηλαδή, αυτό ελπίζει η Μαντόνα.Είναι ένα ‘σχετικά νορμάλ’ κορίτσι. Ούτε δημοφιλής και κουλ, ούτε και σπασικλάκι όμως. Κάπου ανάμεσα, και προσπαθεί να ταιριάξει. Ακολουθήστε τις ξεκαρδιστικές περιπέτειες της στο καινούριο της σχολείο. Μάλλον θα σας θυμίσουν και τον εαυτό σας κάποιες από αυτές! Το βιβλίο είναι κατάλληλο για κορίτσια από 8 ως 12 χρονών. Το Ημερολόγιο Ενός Σχεδόν Κουλ Αγοριού έχει μόλις κυκλοφορήσει και είναι το ίδιο αστείο και διασκεδαστικό όπως και αυτό το βιβλίο!

Ο καθαριστής παραθύρων από το Trifouilly-les-Oies

by Agnès Ruiz

Στα 30 του, ο Βίκτορ, καθαριστής παραθύρων από το Trifouilly-les-Oies, έχει μόλις χωρίσει από τη φίλη του. Ο κόσμος του καταρρέει απότομα. Καθώς αμφισβητεί τον εαυτό, τελικά αποφασίζει να αφήσει τα πάντα για μια παγκόσμια περιοδεία στο τιμόνι του παλιού του Ford. Αυτό το αυτοσχέδιο ταξίδι στο άγνωστο θα τον κάνει να ξεχάσει τη ραγισμένη του καρδιά; "Μια ρομαντική απόδραση". Ο Agnès Ruiz είναι συγγραφέaς διαφόρων best-sellers που πωλήθηκαν σε περισσότερα από 370000 αντίτυπα. Είχε τεράστια επιτυχία με το πρώτο της μυθιστόρημα « Η δολοφονημένη ζωή μου » Γράφει τόσο για ενήλικες όσο και για νέους. Τα μυθιστορηματά της σχετικά με τις έρευνες της Ντετέκτιβ Rachel Toury γνώρισαν επίσης τεράστια επιτυχία τόσο στην Ευρώπη όσο και υπερατλαντικά. Πολλοί από τους τίτλους της μεταφράστηκαν σε διάφορες γλώσσες. Προέρχεται από τη Νορμανδία (Γα&l

. . . And Then You Die of Dysentery: Lessons in Adulting from The Oregon Trail

by Lauren Reeves

A funny, nostalgic tribute to the Oregon Trail computer game—invented nearly fifty years ago, and beloved by generations of students. Pack your wagons, find your ride-or-(literally) die friends, and roll up to Matt&’s General Store with a sack of cash—it&’s time to hit the Oregon Trail, twenty-first-century style! …And Then You Die of Dysentery is a journey through the sometimes frustrating, always entertaining, and universally beloved Oregon Trail computer game. Featuring a four-color design in the game&’s iconic 8-bit format, alongside pop culture references galore, the book offers 50 humorous, snarky lessons gleaned from the game&’s most iconic moments, including gems such as: —Suffering from exhaustion is a real thing. (It&’s not just PR code for why a celebrity went to rehab.) —If you hunt too frequently in one area, game will become scarce. (The first signs of gentrification!) —Invite your sweetie to cuddle with you while looking up at the stars. (The night sky was the original Netflix & Chill. Step 1: Loosen up Orion&’s belt...) With its comic commentary and absurdist nostalgia, ...And Then You Die of Dysentery is the ultimate trip down memory lane, and all the way to the Willamette Valley.

क्यूई 2 पर राउंड द बेंड जा रहा है द्वारा निकोलस वाकर

by Nicholas Walker

एक बेस्टसेलिंग लेखक द्वारा लिखित यह एक घबराहट वाली कहानी है जो क्यूई 2 पर दुनिया भर में घूमती है और घूमती है! अविश्वसनीय लेकिन बिल्कुल सही लेखक की संवेदनशील मानसिक स्थिति उन्हें विश्व यात्रा और करोड़पति के साथ मिश्रित करने पर एक अलग स्लंट देती है। वास्तव में एक अलग यात्रा पुस्तक जो आप हर पृष्ठ पर हंसते रहेंगे। रानी एलिजाबेथ ll पर विश्व क्रूज लेकर लेखक ने एक तंत्रिका टूटने को कैसे ठीक किया, यह सच कहानी है। यह किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के कुछ सरदार दृष्टिकोण से बहुत समृद्ध की लक्जरी जीवन शैली में एक झुकाव है जो काफी हद तक नहीं है। हम 40 देशों का दौरा करते हैं और प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को लेखक के अवलोकनों के साथ माना जाता है जो लगभग हमेशा विनोदी होते हैं और किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति द्वारा लिखे जाते हैं जो नाजुक मानसिक स्थिति को हवाओं को सभी सावधानी बरतने का कारण बनती है। लेकिन इससे भी अधिक,

¡ Duérmete, carajo!

by Adam Mansbach

¡Duérmete, carajo! es un cuento para dormir para los padres que viven en el mundo real, en el cual un par de gatitos ronroneando y unas líneas simpáticas no son lo suficiente para zumbar a un niño pequeño a dormir felizmente. Profano, cariñoso y franco de manera radical, cuenta la conocida y callada tribulación de acostar a su angelito. Bello, subversivo y para mearse ¡Duérmete, carajo! es un libro para padres experimentados, nuevos e incipientes. (Y probablemente es mejor no leérselo a los pequeños.)

0 To Bitch In 10 Seconds Or Less: Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women

by Amy Hatch

Wonderfully witty wisdom such as: Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. J.K. Rowling A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know. Mistinguette Life is hard. After all, it kills you. Katharine Hepburn Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford when I wake up in the morning. Cindy Crawford The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows how the average man can see much better than he can think. Anonymous And many more!

1,000 Unforgettable Senior Moments: Of Which We Could Remember Only 254

by Tom Friedman

The president who left the nuclear launch codes in a suit at the dry cleaners. The novelist who put the orange juice outside and the kitten in the refrigerator. The Russian general who left home in full military dress . . . minus his pants. The famous sex goddess who blew the same line through 52 takes. And the rock star who no longer remembers 1975. Filled with classic lapses, gaffes, and mental bloopers, 1,000 Unforgettable Senior Moments is a fabulous and witty gift for anyone of a certain age. And now it is updated, revised with more than 20 percent new stories, and repackaged in two color, making it an even more vibrant, visually appealing, fresh, and compellingly readable book. Anyone who’s ever had a mental lapse will empathize with relative spring chicken Nicki Minaj, who, while accepting a BET Viewers’ Choice Award, forgot why she was receiving the statuette (on live national television, no less). Or the team of astrophysicists who believed they had discovered proof of alien life—only to discover the signals were coming from the lunchroom microwave. Here’s a best man forgetting to show up at the wedding, a musician leaving his priceless cello in a cab, the bank robber who wrote a holdup note on a paycheck stub that had his name and address printed on it, and the Fox studio chief who, when pressed by his leading lady to remember her name, offered “. . . Cleopatra?”

1,001 Facts that Will Scare the S#*t Out of You: The Ultimate Bathroom Reader

by Cary McNeal

Fact: Chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine, which in high doses can be toxic to humans, and in even small amounts can kill dogs, parrots, horses, and cats.This means that despite its name, the Kit-Kat candy bar is not a recommended snack for your kitty-cat. I wonder how many cats have died because of this confusion.Fact: The most germ-laden place on your toilet isn't the seat or even the bowl--it's the handle.The solution: Don't flush. Let the next guy worry about it.There are "just the facts"--and then there are just the facts that will frighten the bejeezus out of you. And thanks to this little gem of a bathroom book, you'll never look at the world the same way again, without, er, dry heaving a little bit.From the sneaky fish that can swim up our genitals to the E. coli bacteria lurking in the very water we drink, disturbing phenomena are everywhere we turn. Educational, entertaining, and undeniably horrifying, this book isn't guaranteed to help you, um, go to the bathroom, but it's certain to make your time there more...informed.

1,033 Reasons to Smile

by Elizabeth Dutton

With all the impending doomsday predictions everyone is looking for a reason to smile these days. And why not? Smiling has been shown to relieve stress, boost the immune system, release endorphins, and even make us more attractive. It's the natural drug. So put down the Xanax and pick up a copy of 1,033 Reasons to Smile. Whether it's the sight of baby animals wrestling each other or watching pigeons fight over a Cheeto, there are more than enough funny, silly, and downright weird reasons to put a smile on your face inside this little book of joy, including: When the person in the next lane lets you ahead of them in heavy traffic When you finally get back into your own bed after being away from home You check the calendar on a Friday and realize that Monday is a holidayWe're all looking for a reason to smile these days. Here's 1,033 of them.

1,033 Reasons to Smile

by Elizabeth Dutton

With all the impending doomsday predictions everyone is looking for a reason to smile these days. And why not? Smiling has been shown to relieve stress, boost the immune system, release endorphins, and even make us more attractive. It’s the natural drug. So put down the Xanax and pick up a copy of 1,033 Reasons to Smile. Whether it’s the sight of baby animals wrestling each other or watching pigeons fight over a Cheeto, there are more than enough funny, silly, and downright weird reasons to put a smile on your face inside this little book of joy, including:<P><P> * When the person in the next lane lets you ahead of them in heavy traffic<P> * When you finally get back into your own bed after being away from home<P> * You check the calendar on a Friday and realize that Monday is a holiday<P> We're all looking for a reason to smile these days. Here's 1,033 of them.

1-2-3 Scream!

by R. U. Ginns

Get ready to scream with this collection of hillarifying—hilariously terrifying—tales, fully-illustrated and perfect for scary story lovers who are looking for a side of humor to go with their helpings of horror.Stop!Unless you want to be scared, do NOT read this book. These tales of terror are so horrible, so alarming, they had to be bound up between these pages forever!You&’ll discover The Boogerman, an oozing horror that lurks in mirrors. You&’ll read about Instagrave, a popular new app that tells kids how they are going to die. In Epizeuxis, you&’ll learn what happens if you speak the name of a—wait. We&’ve said too much already. The things between these covers are too dangerous to ever be let out. That's why we're warning you: stay away from this book, or else!Of course, if you are reckless enough to open this book, then be sure to read these stories in a safe, indoor space, far from the beady, prying eyes of any birds*.Now, on the count of three: 1…2…3…SCREAM!*Is that a crow, a magpie, or an indigo bunting behind you? Be careful. Birds will do anything to keep people from discovering the secrets of this book!

#1 Midnight Mystery

by Rebecca Mccarthy

uring one of her adventures, Iris finds a beautiful plant and gives it to Ruby Gloom to care for. The next morning, the friends discover that the kitchen has been ransacked during the night. Skull Boy assumes the role of Sherlock Holmes and investigates the crime—he even interviews all his friends! Will the kids ever be able to find the culprit?

10.000 millas para encontrarte (Bali #Volumen 2)

by Mercedes Ron

Hay historias donde el amor es más fuerte que la distancia Descúbrelo en BALI, la saga de MERCEDES RON, autora Nº1 que ha seducido a más de 1.000.000 de lectoras con CULPA MÍA Nikki vivía tranquila en su isla de Bali... hasta que apareció Alex. Alex jamás creyó que podría sentir una conexión tan profunda... hasta que conoció a Nikki. Ella ha descubierto secretos de su pasado que podrían cambiarlo todo.Él deberá afrontar que hay mundos que nunca se podrán encontrar. Después de poner un océano de distancia entre los dos, Alex y Nikki descubrirán que no es tan sencillo mantenerse alejados, sobre todo cuando a su atracción se le una un peligro capaz de acabar con todo..., incluso con sus vidas. ¿Qué esconde Alex en Londres? ¿Cuál es la verdadera historia de la familia de Nikki? ¿Se puede poner límites a la pasión? ¿O hay historias donde el amor es más fuerte que la distancia? «SI LO NUESTRO FUE UN ERROR, QUIERO EQUIVOCARME CONTIGO CADA SEGUNDO DE MI VIDA».

10 Little Monsters Visit New York City (10 Little Monsters #5)

by Jess Smart Smiley

10 Little Monsters discover some of the most unique and interesting things about New York City and what it has to offer. Silly, over-the-top fun, and a bit macabre, 10 Little Monsters Visit New York City is the perfect counting and cultural book for every little boy and ghoul!

10 Things I Can See From Here

by Carrie Mac

Perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella's Finding Audrey and Nicola Yoon's Everything, Everything, this is the poignant and uplifting story of Maeve, who is dealing with anxiety while falling in love with a girl who is not afraid of anything. Think positive. Don’t worry; be happy. Keep calm and carry on. Maeve has heard it all before. She’s been struggling with severe anxiety for a long time, and as much as she wishes it was something she could just talk herself out of, it’s not. She constantly imagines the worst, composes obituaries in her head, and is always ready for things to fall apart. To add to her troubles, her mom—the only one who really gets what Maeve goes through—is leaving for six months, so Maeve will be sent to live with her dad in Vancouver. Vancouver brings a slew of new worries, but Maeve finds brief moments of calm (as well as even more worries) with Salix, a local girl who doesn’t seem to worry about anything. Between her dad’s wavering sobriety, her very pregnant stepmom insisting on a home birth, and her bumbling courtship with Salix, this summer brings more catastrophes than even Maeve could have foreseen. Will she be able to navigate through all the chaos to be there for the people she loves?"With Maeve, Mac delivers a character who's heartwarmingly real and sympathetic, and her story provides a much needed mirror for anxious queer girls everywhere."—Kirkus, Starred review"This is a good companion book for other anxiety-riddled stories, such as The Shattering by Karen Healey, and Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella."—Booklist"Mac carefully makes clear that Maeve is plenty able to find joy other places than the perfect girl and that she’s working at dealing with her own problems; the romance is therefore lovely and cozy and free from overtones of dependency. The descriptions of anxiety are true and powerful, and romance buffs will likely revel in a book celebrating deep connection."—The Bulletin"Mac is good at showing how a dread-filled mind works... [An] affecting story.''—Publishers Weekly

10 Things I Hate About Pinky: From the bestselling author of When Dimple Met Rishi

by Sandhya Menon

Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From raccoon hospitals to persecuted rockstars, no cause is too esoteric for her to champion. But a teeny tiny part of her also really enjoys making her conservative, buttoned-up corporate lawyer parents cringe.Samir Jha might have a few . . . quirks remaining from the time he had to take care of his sick mother, like the endless lists he makes in his planner and the way he schedules every minute of every day, but those are good things. They make life predictable and steady.Pinky loves lazy summers at her parents' Cape Cod lake house, but after listening to them harangue her about the poor decisions (aka boyfriends) she's made, she hatches a plan. Get her sorta-friend-sorta-enemy - who is a total Harvard-bound Mama's boy - to pose as her perfect boyfriend for the summer.When Samir's internship falls through, leaving him with an unplanned summer, he gets a text from Pinky asking if he'll be her fake boyfriend in exchange for a new internship. He jumps at the opportunity; Pinky's a freak, but he can survive a summer with her if there's light at the end of the tunnel.As they bicker their way through lighthouses and butterfly habitats, sparks fly, and they both realize this will be a summer they'll never forget.

10 Things I Hate About Prom

by Elle Gonzalez Rose

There are more than 10 things to hate about prom, but the worst thing is when your lovable best friend wants to go with someone else. Don't miss this sweet, charming rom-com from the author of Caught in a Bad Fauxmance!Ivelisse Santos has had Joaquin Romero&’s back since their first playdate. Not just next-door neighbors, they&’re platonic soulmates. At least, that&’s what Ive thinks, until Joaquin decides to ask Tessa Hernandez, the same girl who stole Ive&’s boyfriend, to prom. Sure, the head cheerleader and the star baseball player going to prom together makes more sense than Joaquin and Ivelisse—leader of tech crew—would. But that doesn&’t mean it should actually happen. What&’s worse, Joaquin wants Ivelisse&’s help planning an elaborate promposal. As much as she wants to say no, she'll take all the quality time with Joaquin she can get before graduation. Even if it means watching her best friend fall for somebody else. Somebody who isn&’t her.

10 Things That Never Happened (Material World #1)

by Alexis Hall

"Brilliance on every single page."—CHRISTINA LAUREN, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, for Boyfriend MaterialFAKE AMNESIA. REAL FEELINGS? REAL PROBLEMS.Sam Becker loves—or, okay, likes—his job. Sure, managing a bed and bath retailer isn't exactly glamorous, but it's good work and he gets on well with the band of misfits who keep the store running. He could see himself being content here for the long haul. Too bad, then, that the owner is an infuriating git.Jonathan Forest should never have hired Sam. It was a sentimental decision, and Jonathan didn't get where he is by following his heart. Determined to set things right, Jonathan orders Sam down to London for a difficult talk…only for a panicking Sam to trip, bump his head, and maybe accidentally imply he doesn't remember anything?Faking amnesia seemed like a good idea when Sam was afraid he was getting sacked, but now he has to deal with the reality of Jonathan's guilt—as well as the unsettling fact that his surly boss might have a softer side to him. There's an unexpected freedom in getting a second shot at a first impression…but as Sam and Jonathan grow closer, can Sam really bring himself to tell the truth, or will their future be built entirely on one impulsive lie?"The apotheosis of the rom-com."—Entertainment Weekly, A+ Review, for Boyfriend Material"Delicious, ridiculous, and often poignant." —Talia Hibbert, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, for Husband Material"Every once in a while you read a book that you want to SCREAM FROM ROOFTOPS about. I'm screaming, people!"—Sonali Dev, award-winning author, for Boyfriend Material

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