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by Robert Paul Weston

Are You a Believer in Fanciful Things? In Pirates and Dragons and Creatures and Kings? <P><P>Then sit yourself down in a comfortable seat, with maybe some cocoa and something to eat, and I'll spin you the tale of Katrina Katrell, a girl full of courage (and daring, as well!), who down in the subway, under the ground, saw something fantastical roaming around. . . .What was it she saw? I'd rather not say. (Who's ever heard of a Zorgle, anyway?) <P><P>But if you are curious, clever and brave, if intrepid adventure is something you crave, then open this book and I'll leave it to you to uncover the secret of ZORGAMAZOO! <P><P>Join Morty the Zorgle and Katrina on a fantastically illustrated, you'll-wanna-read-every-word-aloud, sophisticated rhyming adventure for kids of all ages!


by Robert Paul Weston

Are You a Believer in Fanciful Things? In Pirates and Dragons and Creatures and Kings?<P> Then sit yourself down in a comfortable seat, with maybe some cocoa and something to eat, and I'll spin you the tale of Katrina Katrell, a girl full of courage (and daring, as well!), who down in the subway, under the ground, saw something fantastical roaming around...<P> What was it she saw? 'd rather not say. (Who's ever heard of a Zorgle, anyway?)<P> But if you are curious, clever and brave, if intrepid adventure is something you crave, then open this book and I'll leave it to you to uncover the secret of ZORGAMAZOO!<P> Join Morty the Zorgle and Katrina on a fantastically illustrated, you'll-wanna-read-every-word-aloud, sophisticated rhyming adventure for kids of all ages!

Zorgan and the Gorsemen: Charmseekers 12

by Georgie Adams

The world of Karisma is in turmoil: storms are raging and crops have failed. Queen Charm blames Zorgan for everything bad that has happened since he threw her charms away, so orders his capture by her soldiers. Zorgan gathers together his own army of Gorsemen - wild savages with hair as prickly as gorse bushes, who live on Heart Moor - bribing them with the promise of rich rewards, to defeat Charm's army. When Sesame arrives in this magical land, she finds herself walking into a raging battle. Once Morbrecia has witnessed Zorgan's explosive demise, Sesame must stop her becoming a powerful sorceress in his place, and find the next charm in a very prickly place.

Zorgan and the Gorsemen: Book 12 (Charmseekers #12)

by Georgie Adams

The world of Karisma is in turmoil: storms are raging and crops have failed. Queen Charm blames Zorgan for everything bad that has happened since he threw her charms away, so orders his capture by her soldiers. Zorgan gathers together his own army of Gorsemen - wild savages with hair as prickly as gorse bushes, who live on Heart Moor - bribing them with the promise of rich rewards, to defeat Charm's army. When Sesame arrives in this magical land, she finds herself walking into a raging battle. Once Morbrecia has witnessed Zorgan's explosive demise, Sesame must stop her becoming a powerful sorceress in his place, and find the next charm in a very prickly place.


by Walter Karig

Decades before the plethora of satires of superheroes of the 2000s, there was Zotz!

Zulok the Winged Spirit: Series 20 Book 1

by Adam Blade

Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!When supernatural events start to occur in Avantia it can only mean one thing - something is afoot in the terrifying Isle of Ghosts, and the Dark Wizard Malvel is to blame. Tom and Elenna must travel to the Isle and first face eagle Ghost Beast Zulok.There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out! Zulok the Winged Spirit; Skalix the Snapping Horror; Okira the Crusher and Rykar the Fire Hound

Zulok the Winged Spirit: Series 20 Book 1 (Beast Quest #103)

by Adam Blade

Battle fearsome beasts and fight evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up.When supernatural events start to occur in Avantia it can only mean one thing - something is afoot in the terrifying Isle of Ghosts, and the Dark Wizard Malvel is to blame. Tom and Elenna must travel to the Isle and first face eagle Ghost Beast Zulok.There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out! Zulok the Winged Spirit; Skalix the Snapping Horror; Okira the Crusher and Rykar the Fire HoundIf you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Zulu Heart: A Novel of Slavery and Freedom in an Alternate America

by Steven Barnes

Sequel to Lion's Blood, in which African nations colonized the New World. Egypt and Ethiopia are locked in a vicious power struggle in the vast land of Bilalistan.

Zumbis e Alienígenas: Livro quatro (A Jornada de Kendra #4)

by Eileen Sheehan

Ela lutou contra eles dentro do núcleo da terra. Agora é hora de lidar com aqueles que estão na superfície! Depois de viajar para o centro da terra e lidar com bestas pré-históricas, amazonas enganosas e ainda mais zumbis e alienígenas para resgatar seu filho, Kendra e sua família retornam à superfície do planeta para lidar com os alienígenas de uma vez por todas. Zumbis e Alienígenas é a versão final da emocionante série de suspense e romance, A Jornada de Kendra. O que os leitores estão dizendo:  "Este é o último livro desta série. Você deve ler os três primeiros antes deste. Este livro retoma de onde o terceiro parou. Definitivamente, houve algumas voltas e reviravoltas que eu não esperava. alguns não tão bons, mas a história fluiu e, no final, tudo deu certo. Adoro um bom final e esse definitivamente teve um que juntou tudo e nos deu um feliz para sempre para todos. Amo essa autora! "

Zurcántida Nueva. Il Pugnale Reminiscente: Corso Zaffiro Libro 2 (Zurcántida Nueva #2)

by Nieves Marques

Ci troviamo nella parte finale del Corso Zaffiro, ma a Zurcántida Nueva stanno accadendo strani avvenimenti. Olivia è scomparsa. Egia sa chi è il responsabile, ma si trova di fronte alla scelta tra confessarlo subito alla direttrice Elringen Frangule o aspettare in silenzio che le cose si sviluppino. Egia, sempre più esperta nell'arte dell'astrazione scoprirà sensazioni emozionanti. Vivrà delle esperienze appassionanti e apprenderà dai professori più prestigiosi nuove tecniche. Gli esami sono vicini, ma le disgrazie che stanno coinvolgendo l'istituzione più prestigiosa di Scienze non Svelate mettono a repentaglio la sicurezza e il futuro dei suoi studenti. Riusciranno gli studenti di Zurcántida Nueva a finire il corso?

Zurcántida Nueva La Scuola delle Scienze non Svelate: Corso Zaffiro. Libro 1

by Nieves Marqués

Egia Verum sta per entrare, per la prima volta, a Zurcántida Nueva, La Scuola delle Scienze non Svelate. E’ sempre stato il suo sogno fin da bambina e ora sta diventando realtà. Zurcántida Nueva non ha presente, passato o futuro, ne una localizzazione esatta. Il ruolo degli insegnanti è quello di trasmettere gli insegnamenti che, nel corso di millenni, sono stati raccolti nei testi conservati tra le sue mura. La loro funzione nella scuola sarà quella di fornire ad ognuno degli alunni gli strumenti che, una volta terminati gli studi, permetteranno loro di svolgere una delle tre funzioni principali per la salvaguardia del genere umano sulla terra. Il lavoro degli alunni, una volta terminata la formazione, resterà sempre nell’ombra, in quanto è proibita l’esibizione dei poteri magici in presenza di persone alle quali non si siano rivelate le proprie doti. La vita di Egia a Zurcántida scorrerà tranquilla finché una rivelazione non cambierà la sua vita in un modo che lei non avrebbe mai potuto immaginare. A Zurcántida nulla è quello che sembra. Tutto è nuovo e sorprendente. Non sei curioso di scoprire quale nuovo mondo si nasconde tra le sue mura?

Zuri's Zargonnii Warrior (Unearthly World #2)

by C. L. Scholey

Zuri finds herself in the hands of a Zargonnii warrior after she and her shipmates are extracted from a strange world. Hunted by the heinous Tonan and sought after by the deadly Gorgano, Zuri is mortified when she realizes humans, especially female humans, are considered a rare, exotic novelty. She has no intention of being put on display for massive warriors to gawk at. She plans her escape. Kobe grows fond of the little mouthy human female placed in his charge for the duration of the space flight home. Once they land, she will no longer be his problem. Everything changes in seconds when he finds her in the ship's bay, hanging by a thread in a teetering space shuttle, bound on either self-destruction or escape. Without thought to his safety, Kobe jumps from the shuttle when Zuri falls out and plunges to the planet beneath. Zuri has no idea what danger they are in as they embark on a perilous journey. Both know if they make it out of the jungle alive, they will be separated--unless Kobe can figure out a way to keep his new mate.

ZVR Diplomacy

by Jeff Conner Mike Dubisch

Zombies vs Robots goes international! It's the Cold War in Hell as undead flesh clashes with uncaring metal. The zombie apocalypse is a true global conflagration, and ZVR: Diplomacy is at the frontlines with a collection of original stories either set in Russia or the UK. On all fronts rabid braineaters battle gleeful warbots, with a beleaguered (and dwindling) mankind caught in the middle. Featuring original stories by today's leading perpetrators of zombie terror and robot rampage, namely Steven Lockley, Rio Youers, Robert Hood, Gary McMahon, Ekaterina Sedia, Simon Clark, Dale Bailey, and Simon Kurt Unsworth, ZVR: Diplomacy is a unique new chapter in the ongoing Zombie vs Robots prose program, and is fully illustrated by horror-master Michael Dubisch.

Zwartbaards Freedom (De Reizen van Queen Anne's Revenge #1)

by Jeremy McLean

Fantasy ontmoet geschiedenis en reilt en zeilt in dit alternatieve verhaal over hoe Zwartbaard de plaag van de zeeën is geworden. "Pirates of the Caribbean ontmoet Indiana Jones!" - James ( Wat zou jij doen voor jouw vrijheid? Zou je stelen? Moorden? Sterven? Voor Edward Thatch, bestaat er geen twijfel over hoe ver hij zou gaan voor zijn vrijheid. “Ik bleef de pagina’s maar omslaan en omslaan, om te ontdekken wat er zou gebeuren.” -Teressa J Betts Edward had geen idee dat hij een voormalig piratenschip had gekocht. Als de marinierskapitein, Isaac Smith, dreigt om het schip, en zijn vrijheid van hem af te nemen, neemt hij het heft in eigen hand. Door Edwards actie wordt hij, samen met zijn beste vriend Henry Morgan, een voortvluchtige op een avontuur door het historische Caribisch gebied en Latijns-Amerika. De twee zullen niet alleen moeten vechten om in leven te blijven, maar ook om vrij te blijven tijdens de zogenaamde "Gouden Eeuw" van de piraterij. Edward ontdekt ook dat de helft van het schip dat hij kocht op slot zit. In plaats van sleutels, vinden ze raadsels en aanwijzingen achtergelaten door de vorige eigenaar. Edward en zijn bemanning moeten de raadsels oplossen, de aanwijzingen volgen, en een spel om leven en dood onder ogen zien voordat ze de sleutels van de rest van het schip kunnen claimen. En al die tijd ademt een zekere marine-kapitein in hun nek en richt zich op hun leven. Zullen Edward en Henry het leven omarmen dat hen is opgedrongen, of zullen ze tegen de rotsen van hun ongeluk botsen? Zie hoe de piraat Zwartbaard de plaag van de Caribische Zee en daarbuiten is geworden, en volg hem op zijn avonturen vol piraten, kapers en alles daartussenin in De reizen op de Queen Anne's Revenge!

Zwartbaards Revenge (De Reizen op de Queen Anne’s Revenge #2)

by Jeremy McLean

Lof voor boek 1: “Ik bleef de pagina’s maar omslaan en omslaan, om te ontdekken wat er zou gebeuren.” -Teressa J Betts “...Als een scene uit de film van Indiana Jones.” - Alycia Tillman Revenge is een krachtige motivator. Het verandert de gelovigen in zondaars, de meest timide tot woede, en de meest deugdzame onder ons in koelbloedige moordenaars. Als het correct gebruikt wordt, kan het verlangen naar vergelding ook gebruikt worden als een hulpmiddel. Edward Thatch, de beginnende piraat die bekend staat als Zwartbaard, is uit op wraak. Wraak tegen degenen die zijn bemanningsleden en hemzelf onrecht aandoen. Voordat Edward zijn vergelding kan nemen, moet hij zijn schip, Freedom, ontgrendelen door het spel van Benjamin Hornigold te spelen. Edward moet nog drie tests uitvoeren om de laatste sleutels van zijn schip te bemachtigen. Hiervoor zal hij zijn lijf en ledematen, en dat van zijn bemanning, moeten riskeren om de beproevingen te doorstaan. Hoe ver zal Edwards verlangen naar wraak hem brengen, en in welke gevaren zal hij zijn bemanning plaatsen voor zijn Freedom? Ontdek welke actie Edward zal ondernemen in Zwartbaards Revenge, en volg zijn fantasie-avontuur vol piraten, kapers en alles daartussenin in de Reizen op de Queen Anne's Revenge!

Zwarte Nevel: Boek II in de Chronicles of Kerrigan-serie.

by W. J. May

Niets is meer zoals het lijkt. Na het gruwelijke incident aan het einde van haar eerste jaar op Guilder Boarding School, is Rae Kerrigan vastbesloten om meer te leren over haar nieuwe tatoeage. Haar verwachtingen zijn hoog, een gemakkelijk seniorjaar en een gelukkige hereniging met Devon, de jongen die ze niet hoort te daten. Alle hoop op geluk verandert in verbrijzelde dromen op het moment dat ze terug stapt op de campus. Leugens en geheimen zijn overal, en een verraad raakt Rae diep. Onder haar conflicten en vijanden lijkt het alsof haar vader uit het graf reikt om haar leven te ruïneren. Omdat niemand te vertrouwen is, weet Rae niet waar of bij wie ze terecht kunnen voor hulp. Staat haar bestemming geschreven? Of zal ze het enige worden dat ze het meest haat - het wonderkind van haar vader. Dit is Boek II in de Chronicles of Kerrigan-serie.

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