Higher education students
Thrive in college and beyond
Bookshare® is essential for college students with learning differences. Students can find their course books in accessible formats in one place and read with powerful tools that make learning easier. They can listen to books in audio, follow along with karaoke-style highlighting, enlarge text sizes, read in braille, and adjust other settings to suit individual learning styles. Bookshare is free for all US college and graduate students with qualifying disabilities.
Read and learn easier

With a learning disability, it was so hard for me to read. It took me years to admit that to myself, and I was a senior in college before I sought help. I almost failed college because I couldn’t read well and hated to lie about my reading. Fortunately, my academic advisor told me about Bookshare, a reading app that made it possible for me to graduate.
Frequently asked questions
Who can join Bookshare?
Bookshare is for people who find it difficult to process or comprehend printed words, see text in books or on a screen, or physically manage books or reading devices. To access our copyright library, members must have a qualifying disability. Learn about qualifications.
How much does it cost?
Bookshare is FREE for qualified U.S. students in Pre-K to 12th grade, post-secondary, graduate, vocational, and continuing education classes through an award from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), US Department of Education.
What books are available for students in Higher Ed?
Bookshare has books for every age and grade level of student, including college-level textbooks. All books come in a variety of formats that make it easier for students to read and learn independently. Learn about the library.
How do students read Bookshare books?
You can read Bookshare ebooks on computers, Chromebooks, smartphones, tablets, braille devices, and other assistive technology devices. You can use our free Bookshare Reader app available for web, iOS, Android, and Alexa-enabled devices. You can also read with a variety of compatible partner apps and devices.
How can I learn more about Bookshare for Higher Ed?
Visit our learning article for Higher Ed students.
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